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“Yes,” Johanna moaned. “I need you, Frankie.”
“My fingers find their way to your inner thigh and play for awhile in your soft enticing mound before slowly spreading your lips apart. I can’t wait any longer. I need to taste you now. My tongue gently massages your beautiful throbbing clit, as you grow hotter and hotter.” She paused listening with satisfaction to Johanna’s heaving breaths and moans as she worked her clit with the vibrator.
“I need you, baby. I’m going to come,” Johanna panted.
“Yes, baby, come…I need to taste you.”
Chapter 11
Frankie parked her Chevy in an enormous parking garage a few blocks from the boardwalk. She slowly made her way toward the boardwalk steeling herself against the brisk sharp wind. On the boardwalk she looked at the ocean. Its waves were wild with fury, but even in this state it still looked beautiful to her. She inhaled deeply as she looked out at the vast expanse suddenly feeling very small and inconsequential. The ocean had a calming effect on her no matter what the season and she surmised that it was probably due to the fact that it helped her to put things into perspective. No matter what happened, she and Johanna would always have each other and that was what was important. A few brave joggers passed her with their heads bent low against the brisk wind. A stiff blast of cold air forced her to pull her long black coat tighter around herself as she increased her pace and walked rapidly to the door of an elaborate suite of offices.
Inside, she glanced at the large glass-enclosed fancy gold-lettered placard attached to a wall, which contained the names of all the businesses. She saw Granger Enterprises listed for the sixteenth floor. She walked across the thick, dark maroon carpeted and lavishly decorated lobby to the elevators and pressed the button. The interior of the lobby looked and smelled expensive. She looked around while waiting for the elevator. The furniture was heavy and large ornate statues seemed to be a running theme.
When the elevator doors opened, several occupants stepped out and she and several others stepped in to the oversized elevator. She gave the floor number to the elevator operator then stood glancing at the interior of the elevator noting that it was designed to match the lobby. It would have been unique if it weren’t for the canned music piped in which was the same as any other elevator. She unobtrusively peeked at her fellow riders who were busy texting on their cell phones or thumbing through reports. Watching them made her grateful that she and Johanna weren’t tied to deadlines and meetings. They worked their own hours and at their own pace. She wouldn’t trade it for the world. She waited patiently for her floor as she silently rehearsed what she’d say when she met Savannah Granger. The thought suddenly popped into her mind that maybe Savannah Granger wasn’t in. If that turned out to be the case she intended to snoop around and gather some information. In any event, the trip wouldn’t be wasted.
The elevator finally stopped at her floor and she stepped out, took a deep breath and then moved down the long hall to a door located the second from the last on the right side of the wide hallway. This floor was decorated in more subdued tones and less elaborate furnishings. The dark brown carpet was thick and lush making her almost feel as though she were sinking into the floor. It made walking awkward, but she managed to walk purposefully and blend in among those who quickly entered the various doors off the corridor.
She stood for a moment in front of a wide solid oak door with Granger Enterprises prominently displayed in large gold letters, smoothed her dark green knit skirt, then opened the door. A bright cheerful room greeted her. The room was a direct contrast to the lobby. Her eyes settled on a desk straight ahead where a middle-aged salt and pepper-haired receptionist welcomed her with a dazzling friendly smile.
“Good morning. Do you have an appointment?” the receptionist asked as her eyes scanned an appointment calendar on her shiny orderly desk.
Frankie returned the woman’s smile. “No, I don’t. If Mrs. Granger has a few minutes, I’d like to speak with her.” Frankie handed her a card. “It’s important.”
The woman frowned as she studied the card for a moment. “You can wait over there.” She motioned Frankie to a small enclosed waiting room adjacent to the reception area. “I’ll see when Mrs. Granger will be available.” Her bright smile returned.
Frankie glanced around the cozy room then chose a seat. She picked up a magazine and thumbed through it. A few minutes later the receptionist returned. “Mrs. Granger will see you now, Ms. Barker.”
Frankie thanked her, set the magazine down, rose and followed her to a door to the left of the receptionist’s desk. The door led to a small room with a few stylish chairs and a large table in the middle of the room filled with the latest entertainment magazines and advertisements of upcoming casino shows.
“She’ll be with you shortly,” the woman said before closing the door.
Frankie peeked around the room wondering what, if any, information she could glean from Savannah Granger. She hoped the meeting would be productive for the both of them. Several minutes later the thick oak door, which matched the main door, opened and Frankie stood face to face with Savannah Granger.
“Please, come in,” Savannah said with a faint smile while she held out an arm and ushered her inside.
Frankie walked into the enormous richly decorated office. The walls were filled with framed autographed pictures of celebrities from now and long ago and the furniture was oversized and heavy, but didn’t seem out of place in the large office, which had a masculine dominance.
“Please, have a seat.” Savannah seated herself in a large antique chair, which matched a white antique desk. She kept her eyes on Frankie as she waited for Frankie to sit. “What can I do for you, Ms. Barker? I understand according to your business card that you’re a private investigator. I also noted that your business partner is Johanna Obrien,” she replied distastefully.
“That’s correct.” Frankie saw the distrust in the woman’s eyes and the way her jaw appeared to clench when she said Johanna’s name. She pulled her ID from her purse and handed it to her, then seated herself in an uncomfortable-looking chair. To her surprise she found the chair to be extremely comfortable and settled her weight into it. Frankie studied the woman’s features as Savannah scrutinized the ID. Savannah Granger was an attractive full-bodied woman with large dark eyes, round face and medium straight jet-black hair. The picture Johanna had scanned her this morning didn’t do the woman justice. She definitely wasn’t photogenic.
“Thank you for seeing me, Mrs. Granger. I’ll get right to the point.”
She nodded. “Please do. I have a teleconference in twenty minutes.”
“I’d like to ask you a few questions about Gretchen Wyler.” She watched the woman’s eyes grow even darker as a look of disgust crossed her face.
“Did she hire you?” she snapped. “If so you’re wasting my time as well as yours.” She rose. “I need to get ready for my appointment.”
“No. She didn’t hire me. It’s complicated. You and I are on the same side,” Frankie emphasized. “Please just hear me out.”
Savannah sat and peered at her. “Anything that involves that despicable woman can’t be good.”
“I know that you sent her some letters and I also know that she scammed you and quite a few other people out of a lot of money with a phony investment scheme.”
Savannah’s jaw clenched and her forehead creased. “She and your partner Johanna Obrien scammed me. I informed Gretchen that if my money wasn’t returned, I’d go to the police. She said she’d have me arrested for harassment and threatening her life.” She threw her hands up in disgust. “She’s good at manipulating the truth and the system. She probably took notes from the criminals while she was on the police force.” She shook her head. “I hoped I could persuade her to return my investment without involving the police. I asked her for the contact information for Johanna Obrien in hopes that maybe she would return it, but Gretchen said Johanna was a silent partner and lived outside of the States.�
Frankie’s face burned with fury. She wondered how many more lies Gretchen had told about Johanna. “Why didn’t you want to involve the authorities?”
The woman’s face reddened. “She is holding something against me that I don’t wish to become public knowledge.” She folded her hands and placed them on top of her desk.
“As long as you haven’t done anything illegal then I wouldn’t worry about it. She’s only trying to frighten you. That seems to be the leverage she’s using against you. Call her bluff.”
“It’s nothing criminal, but something I’m not proud of and don’t wish my husband to find out about.” Her eyes misted. “He’s been very ill and the prognosis isn’t what we’d hoped for.”
“I’m sorry,” Frankie quietly replied. It suddenly occurred to her that Savannah’s affair was with Gretchen and it hadn’t been out of lust, but for an emotional outlet and comfort. “If what you’re referring to is the relationship you had with Gretchen, I already know about it. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep it from going public.”
Red-faced, Savannah nodded, relieved. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
Frankie smiled warmly. “I’ll get right to the point. You already know that Gretchen has implicated my business partner in her scheme...a scheme that Johanna knew nothing about until Gretchen showed up.”
“Gretchen told me that Johanna was responsible for getting the so-called business off the ground, but then wanted to remain in the background while Gretchen secured the clients. Later Johanna moved to the East Coast, then left the country.”
Frankie lifted an eyebrow. “I swear that Johanna knew nothing about any of this until a few days ago. Gretchen showed up out of the blue after twelve years and dumped all of this on her.”
Savannah looked skeptically at Frankie. “How do I really know that I can trust you? You could just be feeding me a line of bull.”
Frankie placed her palms on the desk and stared evenly into Savannah’s eyes. “Because Johanna is not only my business partner, she’s also my wife and I’ll do whatever it takes to clear her name and put Gretchen Wyler behind bars where she belongs. If you don’t want to help me, then I’ll find another way.” She rose.
“No…no, please sit back down.”
Frankie sat. “Will you help?’
“Let me cancel my appointments.”
Frankie nodded and watched as Savannah picked up her phone and told her receptionist to reschedule her appointments and to hold all calls.
When she finished, Savannah leaned back in her chair. She ran a hand over her chin. “I’ve invested a substantial amount of money with her and I want it back. If you really can help me do that, then we have a lot to talk about.”
“You’re one of many who were swindled by her.” Frankie settled back into her chair. “I need some background information. How did you get involved with Gretchen’s alleged company? Did she approach you?”
The woman opened a desk drawer and pulled out a folder. She thumbed through it, pulled out a glossy flyer and handed it to Frankie. “This is what drew me in. I receive tons of mail a day, but there was something unique about this. Granted, investments are not my forte, but this sounded too good to be true.”
“And we know what they say about something which sounds too good to be true.”
“Exactly, but then what would have happened to a lot of well known companies if someone hadn’t initially invested in them? Gretchen Wyler was the broker and a solid investment meant financial reward for all parties involved.”
“True,” Frankie agreed as she looked over the ad. “I can see why you wanted in. It’s quite an impressive ad. I might have fallen for it myself.” Her eyebrows knotted together as she peered at Savannah. “Did you initially meet Gretchen in person or was the investment handled by someone else?”
She emphatically shook her head. “No. I flew to California. I had business there anyway, so I contacted Gretchen and she agreed to meet me at the bar in the hotel where I was staying.”
“Wasn’t that an odd place to meet? Did you ever visit her office?”
“No, she said a suite of offices were being remodeled and she would be moving into them in a matter of weeks. Until then she was working out of her home. I had no reason at that time to doubt her sincerity. She showed me a picture of a suite of offices in a very trendy part of Los Angeles. Are you familiar with LA?”
“Well, take my word for it, it takes big bucks to afford the kind of setup she showed me. When she showed up at the hotel bar she was dressed to the nines. At first I was skeptical, but the longer she talked, the more impressed I became. She was very knowledgeable and answered all of my questions and concerns professionally and intelligently. Before I left California I had written her a substantial check.”
“I understand that you initially received good returns on your investment.”
“Yes, I did, but I didn’t know that the reports she was sending were bogus. On paper everything looked aboveboard and legitimate. Since I’d never handled any of my husband’s or my investments…he took care of those things until he became ill. None of this would have come to light if our accountant hadn’t asked to go over the reports from our investments.”
Frankie thoughtfully placed a fingertip on her temple. “I’ll admit I don’t understand this type of business, but as long as Gretchen was giving you a return there was no problem. Correct? When does something like this become a problem?”
“She illegally advertised a nonexistent business. She had no company to begin with and used the money for her own purposes. My returns on her phony reports were substantial so I didn’t give the matter a second thought until they started rapidly declining. If my accountant hadn’t asked to see the reports, I’d still be in the dark. My accountant did some investigating and realized I’d been taken. I’d thought I was doing something good to cushion the business in the worsening economy. My accountant informed me that is why Lloyd, my husband, has a financial advisor.” She sighed heavily. “To make a long story short, they got together and learned that her business was a scam. I asked them to hold off filing criminal charges until I had a chance to talk to her. Reluctantly they agreed since the contract stated if after two years I wanted to terminate our business arrangement I would receive my initial investment back.”
Frankie raised her eyebrows. “Is that customary?”
“It depends. The type of business she was supposedly involved in would be generating such high returns that it would render one a fool to even want to terminate the contract.” She sighed again. “Of course that’s when her troubles began. She didn’t expect me to pull out since the monthly reports were showing high returns until recently. She tried to explain her way out of it until I asked for concrete proof. It became obvious that she used my initial investment to afford herself a lavish lifestyle while she obviously bilked other unsuspecting investors out of their money to pay returns to me and God only knows how many others. As long as she had new investors everything was fine…it was only when the economy took a downslide that things began coming unglued for her.”
“It still doesn’t make sense to me. Eventually she had to have known that she’d be found out and would have to face the consequences.”
“Not if she was planning to leave the country. That’s why I now believe her plan all along was to grab as much money as she could and then join her partner Johanna Obrien. Now you can see why I’m so adamant in getting my money back before she does leave the country.”
“Except that Johanna, who is innocent, would be left holding the bag.” Frankie leaned forward in her chair. “How do you know for certain that Gretchen’s planning to leave the country? Did she say so?”
“What else can she do? I doubt she’s going to stick around and let the Feds get her.”
“She’s in Charlestown right now.” Savannah’s face turned so red that Frankie thought the woman would pass out. “That’s why I’m here. She’s bla
ckmailing Johanna.”
Savannah’s jaw dropped. “Why would she put Johanna’s name on the contract as co-owner and then blackmail her?”
“Because Gretchen’s running out of money. Her last resort is Johanna.” Her eyes narrowed. “Johanna and I have hatched a plan to trap her.”
“So Gretchen just shows up out of the blue on your doorstep?” She frowned skeptically. “I take it that Johanna also has something in her past she prefers not to make public knowledge.”
Frankie was momentarily unnerved with the way Savannah’s eyes bore into hers and hesitated for a moment before answering. “Johanna will do whatever it takes to bring Gretchen down and clear her own name in the process.”
The older woman swept a strand of hair behind an ear. “How do I know you’re not really stringing me along?” Her voice grew cold. “For all I know you could be working with Gretchen.”
Frankie felt the heat begin to rise from the back of her neck to her face. She inwardly tried to calm herself. Now wouldn’t be a good time to lose her temper. “Even after everything I’ve said you still don’t trust me,” she said, quietly forcing her voice to stay controlled. She watched the changing expressions play out on Savannah’s face as the woman struggled with her own inner emotions. Frankie’s own mood lightened. “Look, I don’t blame you after what you’ve been through. I would have doubts, too, if I were in your situation.”