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2-in-1 Page 29
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Page 29
“We can pay them off and close the company before they find out what’s happened. They’ll never know the truth. Right now I’ve stalled them for a couple of weeks. As soon as you give me as much cash as you can, I’ll go back to California and settle up with them while you’re settling up your accounts here.”
“Won’t they want more than just the initial investment back?”
“Believe me, they’ll be happy just to get that. Look how many companies have gone bankrupt. Besides, I can tell them the companies I invested in went down the tubes.”
“Won’t they want an accounting?”
She grinned. “I’ll give them one. I always have before. They had no reason to question me then, and I doubt they will now. Quit worrying. Believe me…they’ll just be happy they didn’t lose everything.” She released Johanna’s hands and picked up her wineglass draining the contents.
Johanna knew that Gretchen’s accounting books were obviously bogus and opened her mouth to question Gretchen about it further, then quickly changed her mind. She rubbed a hand over her chin. “First thing tomorrow morning I’ll drive to Atlantic City and see what I can dig up on—” She looked questionably at Gretchen.
Gretchen reached into her purse, and retrieved a picture. She handed it to Johanna. “Her name is Savannah Granger. I wrote her business address on the back.”
Johanna studied the picture. The woman wasn’t overly attractive, but had an honest friendly face just the same. Her features gave her the appearance of being slightly overweight, her hair jet black and medium length, and she had large dark eyes. Her smile was bright and captivating. Johanna jumped in surprise when she felt something against her leg and looked at Gretchen who’d slipped off a heel and was running her foot seductively up Johanna’s leg. This was the final straw. She was calling a halt to tonight. She intended to end this now, go home, and call Frankie. She ached to hear Frankie’s reassuring voice. Gretchen was seductively running her tongue over her lips.
Johanna shifted her position moving her leg out of Gretchen’s reach. “I’d better get going. I need to get a good night’s sleep. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I’m hoping everything we want.”
Gretchen stared at her. “Spend the night with me. I’ll make sure you sleep like a baby after I’ve finished with you,” she purred. “It’ll be just like old times,” she said enticingly. “I know you want to. I can see the lust in your eyes.”
Johanna fought the bile that began to creep slowly up her throat at the thought of Gretchen touching her naked flesh. An icy chill ran up her spine as she fought for control. “As much as I’d love to, I can’t,” she lied again and realized the entire conversation with Gretchen had been nothing but lies. She realized that the lies she’d been telling Gretchen all night were not as difficult to say as she’d thought. But if she was cornered and Gretchen expected her to fulfill all the promises she’d made, she knew the act would be over in an instant. She had to keep her cool. Frankie would get her out of this. She wasn’t sure exactly how Frankie intended to do it, but had no doubt that she would. A satisfied smile played on her lips. “I can’t leave my mother. She came for a nice relaxing visit and I’ve ended up ruining it for her. I plan to have a long talk with her to try to explain what’s happened. When I left this evening she was still in a state of confusion and I promised I would fill her in on everything when I got home.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “It is getting late.”
“The night’s still young, but I suppose you do need to spend some time with her. We’ll have all the time in the world to be together. Soon she’ll see how happy you really are after we’re back together.” She sighed letting her breath out in a rush. “I believe I owe her an apology. I was a little harsh with her.”
“Harsh?” Johanna raised her eyebrows. “You had her terrified. I’m lucky she didn’t have a stroke with the pressure you put her under.”
“I didn’t know any other way I could get her to give me your address.” She tossed her head. “Once she finds out about us and all the trouble I went through to find you she’ll understand. If she doesn’t, I’m sure in time she will. Well, if you won’t spend the night with me, then at least stop over for a nightcap.”
“Not tonight, but soon, I promise,” Johanna said, rising. “I’ll call you when I get back tomorrow and let you know how things went with Savannah Granger.” She motioned to Gretchen’s empty glass while she removed her wallet and took out a credit card. “Have another drink if you’d like and I’ll take care of the bill.”
Gretchen stood up and carefully removed her coat from the back of her chair. “No, I’ll walk out with you.”
Johanna paid the check, slipped her coat on and walked to the exit with Gretchen close by her side. She ignored the fact that Gretchen had taken her elbow and was cautiously leading her to her car. Johanna pushed the remote unlocking the car, then slipped into the driver’s seat. Gretchen held the door open. Johanna wished the woman would just leave. “It’s cold out here. You’d better get into your car before you freeze to death. You’re only wearing an all-weather coat,” she said through chattering teeth as she started the engine hoping Gretchen would take the blatant hint. “I’ll let you know what I find out. I don’t know what time I’ll be back from Atlantic City.”
Gretchen shivered as she leaned into the car. Johanna drew her lips taut and her stomach churned as Gretchen drew near. She could smell Gretchen’s overpowering perfume and it further nauseated her. She steeled herself for the inevitable. Suddenly Gretchen brushed her lips against Johanna’s. Frankie and she had better settle this quickly because she knew she couldn’t go on with this charade much longer. Gretchen was an impatient woman and she wouldn’t wait forever for what she expected Johanna to give her. She shuddered knowing Gretchen would believe her trembling body was from the cold and not the real reason…Gretchen sickened her.
“You’re cold, sweetie. Are you sure you don’t want me to warm you up?’ she whispered seductively with her lips perilously close to Johanna’s.
“As tempting as it sounds, I need to get home.” She flashed a weak smile, gripped the steering wheel and turned her face quickly so that Gretchen’s next kiss landed on her cheek.
Chapter 10
Frankie nervously paced the floor of the spare bedroom at Trey and Will’s. She anxiously awaited Johanna’s phone call. If Johanna didn’t call soon, she’d call Gracelyn to make sure everything was all right. She glanced around the small sparsely decorated room as a smile played on her lips. It was a nice comfortable room, but definitely with a masculine bent. Besides the full bed with a small nightstand next to it, there was a small dresser on one wall and a desk and chair on another with a comfortable easy chair situated near the window. The walls were painted a light beige and the bedspread and drapes were hunter green which matched the easy chair. The hunter green carpet was thick and soft under her bare feet. A few beautiful scenic paintings decorated the otherwise bare walls.
She stopped pacing, sat on the bed, and glanced at her alarm clock. Ten thirty. Where was she? All sorts of scenarios began to play out in her mind. What if something had gone wrong? What if Gretchen had discovered their plan? She picked up her cell phone and was beginning to text Johanna when she received one from her. Relief flooded through her when she read.
Home, babe. Will call in a few.
* * * *
Johanna walked briskly into the living room. Gracelyn was seated in one of the chairs near the fireplace and a look of relief washed over her face when she saw her daughter.
“Is everything okay, Mom? Were you nervous being here by yourself?”
“No, everything here was fine, dear. I was just worried about you being out with that monster. I was going to call you if you didn’t come home in the next half hour.”
Johanna slumped into the chair facing her mother’s. “This was the longest night of my life!”
“Did you get her to admit anything?”
Johanna slowly let her breath out. �
��Oh, she admitted everything alright, but in her sick twisted mind she says she was doing it for me.” She pulled herself to her feet. “We’ll talk about this in the morning, okay? I’m beat.”
Gracelyn rose and wrapped her robe tighter around herself. “I think I’ll retire, too.” She walked over to Johanna and gave her a hug. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“’Night, Mom.” Johanna walked to the bedroom. When she stepped inside, a feeling of loneliness overwhelmed her. The same feeling that always came over her whenever she and Frankie were apart. She glanced at Frankie’s side of the bed and a lump rose in her throat. She removed her clothes, hung them up, then walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
* * * *
Frankie pulled the covers back and climbed into the comfortable bed, then placed two plump pillows behind her head and patiently waited for Johanna’s call. Twenty minutes later her phone buzzed.
“Hi, sweetie. I was worried about you.” Frankie’s body relaxed.
“I couldn’t wait to get away from her,” Johanna replied. “She’s crazy!”
“She didn’t try anything, did she?” Frankie gritted her teeth.
“She tried to get me to spend the night with her, but I managed to convince her that I wanted to take it slow.” She exhaled loudly. “She kissed me, Frankie, and I wanted to puke!”
Frankie gripped her phone so tightly that her knuckles turned white. “Did you respond?”
“Of course not! I had my lips tightly closed and when she tried again I turned my face just in time. Frankie, I don’t like this one bit. I feel horrible telling her how much I want to be with her. Even though we both know it’s only an act it makes me feel like I’m betraying you. I don’t think I can keep this up. We need to find another way.”
“I know you’re not betraying me, baby,” Frankie said softly. “We’ll just have to figure out a way where you won’t be alone with her.” Her eyebrows knitted together. “Don’t ever go to her motel. When you meet again bring your mother with you if you have to.”
“I still don’t think I can keep up this act. It took all of my willpower not to scratch her eyes out.”
Frankie heard the tension in Johanna’s voice. “You can do it, honey,” she replied calmly even though inside she was seething with the knowledge that Gretchen had put the moves on Johanna. Her jaw twitched, but she kept herself in check. Maybe Johanna didn’t fully comprehend the gravity of the situation. No. She knew exactly what was at stake and Frankie didn’t blame her for her feelings. But everything hinged on Gretchen believing that Johanna wanted to renew their relationship and if there was another way Frankie certainly would have taken it. She’d like nothing more than to put as much distance between Gretchen and Johanna as she could.
“We knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I can’t think of any other way to clear your name and send her to prison where she belongs. If you showed her your true feelings of revulsion she’d send you up the river in a heartbeat and you know it as well as I do. At the very beginning of your relationship she was probably scheming to come up with the perfect plan to line her pockets while making you the scapegoat. After you left it was a piece of cake. Think about it…you were on opposite ends of the country so there was no way you’d know what she was doing…until she ran out of investors.”
“I know you’re right,” Johanna said, “but it’s still the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.”
“You’re not alone. And believe me, I’d give anything not to have to put you through this.” She wearily swept a hand through her hair. “It’s not easy for me either, you know? I hate thinking about that bitch leering at you and touching you.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m supposed to be calming you.”
“It’s all right, sweetie. You have a right to express your feelings. And I’d be a little worried if you weren’t bothered by Gretchen.”
Frankie adjusted one of the plump pillows behind her back and stretched her long legs. “So, did you get anything concrete?”
“Yes, I have a photo and address of the woman in Atlantic City. Her name’s Savannah Granger. I told Gretchen I’d drive to Atlantic City tomorrow to talk to her. Now here’s the interesting part. She doesn’t want me to talk to her, but wants me to stake this woman out. She had the nerve to ask or I should say request me to make something up…to engineer something that would involve Savannah in some illegal activity that Gretchen can use against her if Savannah brings formal charges,” Johanna replied bitterly. “I couldn’t believe it!”
“You’ve got to be kidding! If she knew you at all then she’d know that you’d never trade your integrity to lie for anyone. And if you truly love someone why would you ask them to compromise their principles?” She shook her head. “She’s unbelievable.”
“She made it clear that I had no options. I couldn’t wait to get away from her. She made me physically sick to my stomach. I don’t want her touching me again, Frankie. If she’s convinced I’m leaving you for her then it’s only logical to her that I’ll eventually sleep with her. I told her that I didn’t feel right about it until things were completely resolved between you and me, but I can’t stall her forever. We need to end this as soon as possible, Frankie. I’m scared.”
Frankie heard the strain and fear in Johanna’s voice. “Let me drive to Atlantic City. It’ll be better if I do it anyway since your name is on the contract. I doubt that Savannah Granger would even talk to you. You can scan me the picture. If I go I’ll have a better chance of getting her to, at the least, meet with me and explain the situation to her. Hopefully she’ll be willing to help us.”
“What if she doesn’t believe you?”
“I’ll charm her,” Frankie teased, trying to lighten the mood. When Johanna didn’t respond, she said, “I won’t leave until she’s convinced of your innocence in Gretchen’s scam.”
Johanna sighed. “I wish this whole thing was over.”
“Me, too, baby. You just stay home and rest tomorrow. Spend some time with your mother. This has turned out to be one hell of a visit for her.”
“I know, but she’s happy that she’s able to help. I guess it makes her feel needed like when I was a child.”
“Her help is invaluable and very much appreciated. She’ll still need to convince Gretchen that she’s elated about you two.” Frankie laughed. “Now that I think about it, after her performance the other night I don’t think she’ll have any problem pulling it off. She had me convinced.”
“Me, too. She showed a side of herself I’d never seen before. I thought I’d have a heart attack until she told us why she’d been acting so strangely. By the way how’s everything at Trey and Will’s?”
“They’ve been great. Of course they, too, want to help in any way they can and I assured them that they are helping enormously by letting me stay here.”
“Good. So, if you drive to Atlantic City in the morning what do you want me to do?”
“Keep searching for anything on Gretchen. Any little detail may help.” She was thoughtful for a minute. “We need to backtrack for the last decade or go back as far as you possibly can. Just promise me that you’ll double-check the security locks. And if anyone comes to the gate, have Gracelyn answer the intercom. If it’s Gretchen, have Gracelyn make up something, but do not let her in under any circumstances. And whatever you do, don’t let her know that you’re home. Since she thinks you’ll be in Atlantic City if she calls or texts your cell you can play along or better yet just don’t answer. When I get home, I’ll fill you in and tell you what to say to her when you call her.”
“I’ve been double-checking and even triple-checking the security. There’s no way in hell I would let her in here and I know my mother wouldn’t either. I just won’t answer the intercom or home phone. The machine can pick it up. I’ll also tell Mom not to answer her cell if it’s Gretchen.” She paused. “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we both go tomorrow?”
Frankie hesitated. “I’d love nothing better, bu
t what if somehow Gretchen finds out we were both there together? As much as I’d love to, babe, it’s just too risky.”
“You’re right,” she replied as she slowly let her breath out. “I hope you can persuade Savannah Granger to work with us, though. If she doesn’t want to then I’m screwed.”
“No you’re not. I’ll think of something else, but I don’t see why she wouldn’t since we’re on the same team. If she’s hesitant for any reason I’ll convince her that we want to help to put Gretchen behind bars as much as she does. I also want her to know beyond a shadow of doubt that you had nothing at all to do with the scam. Now give me the address and any other information she gave you.” Frankie grabbed her notebook and pen from the small bedside table and quickly wrote down the address. When she finished, she set the notebook and pen back on the table.
“I miss you, Frankie. I have a bad feeling about this,” Johanna said in a wobbly voice.
Frankie’s brow puckered. “I miss you, too.” She paused. “Usually I’m the one who gets the uneasy feelings, remember?”
Johanna sighed wearily. “I know. I’m just so restless and emotionally drained. I want to wake up and find out that this was just a horrible nightmare.”
“We’ll get through this together, Johanna. But right now I’ve got a solution for your restlessness. Is your vibrator handy? I think you need some stimulating phone sex that only I know how to provide for you,” she whispered.
“Ah, you always know what I need…and you’re right…only you know how to satisfy me.”
“Just lie back and relax, ‘ Frankie said softly. “ Close your eyes and imagine my fingertips sweeping the hair from your brow while my lips move close…so close to your full beautiful lips, but don’t quite touch…not yet. My lips move to your neck. I love to linger there planting kisses while my fingers glide over your creamy baby-soft flesh.” She listened to Johanna’s heavy breathing. “Now my hands are gently caressing your beautiful breasts as my lips hungrily seek yours. I’m mesmerized by the scent, feel of you, and want to taste every inch of you. My lips linger for just a while longer on yours, never wanting to part, but my need is strong and I plant kisses down your neck and linger for a while in the space between your breasts as my hands touch your beautiful silky flesh. My fingertips come alive at the feel of your hardened nipples and my hunger can no longer be contained as I take the nipple into my mouth and tenderly suckle it before giving equal time to your other breast. I can suckle them forever.”