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- Kira Chase
Winds of Fire
Winds of Fire Read online
Kira Chase
Published by
An Imprint of Whiskey Creek Press LLC
Copyright © 2015 by Kira Chase
Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.
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ISBN: 978-1-63355-659-1
Cover Artist: Vinessa Riley
Editor: Sara Kent
Printed in the United States of America
Other Books by Author Available at Torrid Books:
Partners: The Wrong Corpse
Partners: The Other Woman
Partners: Blinded By the Trees
Partners: Beyond the Shadows
2-in-1 Partners
Partners: The Wrong Corpse & Partners: The Other Woman
Chapter 1
Frankie tiptoed to the bed and stared down at Johanna. Tears sprang up in her eyes. She'd come so close to losing her. She ran her fingertips through Johanna's long, silky, auburn hair. Johanna's eyes popped open and a beautiful smile tugged at her lips as she looked up at Frankie.
“Do you need anything before I leave for the office, sweetie?” Frankie asked tenderly.
“No.” Johanna stretched leisurely. “I can't wait until I can go back to work. I'm going stir-crazy.”
Frankie looked into Johanna's green eyes. “The doctor said you might be able to return to work on Monday. He'll let you know at your appointment this afternoon.” She bent and kissed Johanna's cheek. “Why don't you stop at the office after your appointment and we'll grab some dinner and then see a movie? Or do you want me to meet you at the doctor's office?”
Johanna ran her fingertips over Frankie's cheek. “I've got an even better idea. Why don't you play hooky and stay in bed with me all day?” She lifted a suggestive eyebrow.
Frankie groaned. “Don't tempt me. You know I'd love nothing better, but I have to clear up some paperwork.” She lowered her head and kissed Johanna's cheek again. “And you know how much I love paperwork,” she said, lifting her eyes heavenward.
Johanna laughed. “Why didn't you bring it home? I could have done it from here. At least it would have given me something to do today.”
Frankie exhaled loudly. “I would have, but there's a few details I need to go over with Kate. It's that Benley case. Remember I told you about it?”
Johanna frowned. “You haven't mentioned that case in a while. I thought it was over and done with. What happened?”
“It was, but since Mrs. Benley didn't like the fact that there was no dirt to dig up on her husband, she doesn't want to pay the balance of her bill.”
“Is it large enough to bother pursuing?”
“Damn right it is. It kept me away from you for too many nights. It's a big piece of change.” She shook her head in disgust. “Mrs. Benley is one nasty woman. I'm sorry I took her on as a client. She's claiming I never tailed her husband and am charging her for services not rendered. But Kate was with me on several of those nights.” She grimaced. “I feel sorry for her husband. I can't imagine what he goes through with her unfounded accusations.”
Johanna's eyes narrowed. “I'm glad I didn't have to deal with her.” She perked up. “But I could come to the office and help catch up the rest of the paperwork before my doctor's appointment.”
Frankie eyed her suspiciously. “I don't think so. You wouldn't stay put and you know it. I have a couple of summonses to deliver and you'd want to go with me.”
“I don't like you going alone to deliver the summonses.”
“Nothing to worry about. I'll be serving them at their place of employment, not at private residences.”
“That makes me feel better.” She looked thoughtfully at Frankie for a few seconds. “If I swear I won't leave the office can I come with you?”
Frankie shook her head. “Not until the doctor officially releases you. Just a few more days, honey.” She peered at Johanna. “Oh, and remember, if you go out back, no peeking under the tarps. Promise?”
“I promise,” she said. “I'll find something to do. All I've heard for weeks is pounding and sawing. When can I see what's under all those tarps and scaffolding out back?”
Frankie grinned. “Tomorrow. I assure you it'll be worth the wait.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “I've got to run, babe. Kate's meeting me first thing this morning.”
Johanna frowned. “I suppose I have to let you go.” She pulled Frankie's face close to hers and gave her a long lingering kiss.
Frankie sighed longingly as the sheet slipped from Johanna, exposing her firm enticing breasts. “Quit tempting me.”
“Never,” Johanna murmured.
* * * *
Frankie leaned back in her chair, slowly shaking her head back and forth as she scrutinized her friend Deputy Kate Allen. A wide smile broke across her pretty face.
“What?” Kate asked with narrowed eyes. She looked down, glancing at her uniform, then at Frankie. “Did I spill something on myself? Do I have something on my face?” She shifted from one foot to the other. “Out with it, Frankie.”
Frankie ran a hand through her short brunette hair. “I was just sitting here thinking that next month at this time you'll be a married woman.” She leaned forward. The trace of the smile was still on her lips. “I still can't get over the fact that you and Arlan are actually going to be our neighbors, too. Johanna and I are thrilled.”
Kate grinned. “We are too. I am absolutely in love with the house. Thank you for letting us know about it before it went on the market. This year will be too late for me to garden by the time the landscaping is completed, but I can't wait until next spring to get Johanna over to help me with some ideas for the vegetable and flower gardens I intend to put in. There are some autumn plantings I might be able to do if Trey and Will have all the landscaping finished by then.”
“I know that Johanna will be happy to help you. So, how's the house remodeling coming along? Do you think it'll be finished by the wedding?”
She lifted her eyebrows. “Probably not. But since all of the major updates like the wiring and plumbing are done, Arlan and I should be able to live there while the rest of the remodeling is going on.” Her brow puckered. “I thought that maybe we'd bitten off a little more than we could chew, but then we decided we might as well remodel it the way we want it since we don't intend to ever live anywhere else. We love it!”
Frankie nodded. “Johanna and I had a lot of fun working together on every little detail to get our home just the way we both envisioned it.” She laughed. “And I still don't know if we'll ever be entirely finished. I'm glad you and Arlan decided to keep the house instead of tearing it down. It has a lot of character. If our place had had an old house on it then I probably would have kept it too.” She took a sip of coffee. “I love your plans. It's going to be quite a showplace when it's finished.”
Kate nodded enthusiastically. “Arlan
and I had fun working out every aspect with the contractors of what we hoped the finished work would look like. Hopefully we'll restore it as close to its original look as possible, but, of course, with modern updates.” She smiled warmly. “And we're grateful for all the help you gave us about the many energy saving devices. We'd never heard of half the things you mentioned.”
“I'm glad to help. You'll see how much you'll save after the first winter.” Frankie stood holding her coffee cup up. “Would you like more coffee?”
“No, thanks.” Kate shook her blonde head. “I'm trying to cut down on my caffeine.”
Frankie's eyebrows shot up. “Is there something I don't know?” She glanced at Kate's stomach, and then looked at her with questioning eyes and a wide grin.
Kate laughed. “No, I'm not pregnant. If I were, you and Johanna would be the first to know. Well, after Arlan.”
“We better be. You know how we like to be kept in the loop,” Frankie teased. “Good luck with cutting down on the caffeine, though. I couldn't do it.” She sat back down. “I'm looking forward to meeting your family. They must be so excited.”
“They are.” Kate's eyes sparkled. “This will be the first time in years the entire family will all be together.” She bit her trembling bottom lip. “I want to thank you again...Johanna, too, for arranging the bridal shower so close to the wedding so my family can be here for both. You don't know what it means to me.”
“Hey, we're looking forward to a big celebration. Besides, as your matrons of honor, we are honored to do everything we can to make your wedding as perfect as we can.” Frankie saw the tears glistening in Kate's eyes.
Kate cleared her throat. “I don't know what I would do without you, Johanna, and George. George treats Arlan like a son.”
She nodded. “He's been with George for a long time. George tries to act gruff, but he's just a big teddy bear inside. I think you probably realized that a long time ago.”
“I have. In fact, I saw that side of him shortly after I became one of his deputies.”
“How's Arlan handling everything? He must be a wreck with the house, wedding and meeting your family.”
“Surprisingly well. The only thing he seems worried about is meeting my family.”
Frankie's eyes softened. “He'll finally have a family...a huge one to boot!”
“I know they're going to love him.”
“How could they not when they see how happy he's made you?”
Kate sighed. “I can't imagine life without him, Frankie. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I do Arlan.”
“I know the feeling. That's how I feel about Johanna.”
She sighed contentedly. “Speaking of Johanna, when are you going to have the big reveal? She's got to be going crazy wondering what's going on.”
“Oh, she is. But tomorrow the wait will be over—the great unveiling.”
“And when do the rest of us get to see it? I've tried to get Trey and Will to give some hints about what they've done, but they're both tight lipped.” She puckered her lips into a pout.
Frankie chuckled. “Actually, I was planning a get together for Saturday of next week. I hope you and Arlan can make it on such short notice.”
“Of course we'll be there. I can't wait,” Kate squealed. “Knowing you, Frankie, whatever you've transformed your backyard into is bound to be spectacular.”
She toyed with her coffee cup. “I did more than I originally planned, but Johanna is definitely worth it after all she's been through. I just want her to feel safe when she's out back. She doesn't talk about that night much anymore, so that could be a good sign, I suppose.”
“I agree. And coming back to work and getting back into her old routine will be the best medicine. It's going to be good seeing her back here in the office with you, Frankie.” Kate ran a hand through her hair. “I miss seeing her here. The office seems so empty without her. Do you know when she'll be able to return to work?”
“We're hoping the doctor gives the okay for Monday. It's been tough without her here.” She glanced at Johanna's empty desk. “I don't know what I would have done if I'd lost her, Kate. That was a close one.”
She patted Frankie's shoulder. “I know. Just think, before you know it she'll be sitting back at her desk and everything can get back to normal.”
Frankie breathed deeply. “I can't wait!”
Kate checked the time on her wristwatch. “I'd better get back over to the Sheriff's Office.” She turned at the door. “If you need any more help with Mrs. Benley, just let me know. But I think we've heard the last from her.”
“I will. Thanks, Kate, for convincing her to pay her bill.” She watched Kate open the heavy double-plated glass door. She sat for a few minutes looking out of one of the windows. Two small windows on either side of the door had Barker and Obrien Investigations stenciled into the glass.
She smiled as she recalled the day Johanna and she had signed the lease for their office, which was conveniently situated in a popular strip mall between a hair salon and a coffee shop. The owner had been extremely receptive about their plans and had no qualms about any remodeling as long as they paid for it themselves. They had to sign a special agreement stating that the windows would be replaced if they ever decided to vacate the premises. So far, they'd been perfectly contented and had no desire to ever leave.
Johanna and she had pooled all of their resources and had taken out a hefty mortgage to purchase their twenty-acre rural property, build their dream log home, and leave the Philadelphia Police Force to become private investigators in Charlestown, Pennsylvania. But it had been worth every dime. They were happy and life was good.
Frankie stretched and decided to grab another cup of coffee. After she brought the coffee back to her desk, she sat down and began to tackle the rest of the paperwork. Her eyes again drifted to Johanna's desk, which faced hers. It felt strange not to see Johanna's beautiful face peering back at her. Monday couldn't come quick enough. The office had taken on a quiet lonely ambiance for the past several weeks. Frankie shook off her depressing mood and went back to the paperwork. She'd focus on the good, not the bad. She had a lot to be thankful for.
The door suddenly swung open and her eyes moved to the woman entering. Frankie stood and immediately walked to the door as a middle-aged woman entered, swiftly closing the door behind her. Her well-worn jeans and sweater looked a size too big for her. She wore a pair of shabby sneakers on her feet.
“Hello, how can I help you?” Frankie asked leading the woman to a chair near her desk.
The woman eyed her carefully. “My husband's been cheating. I need to catch him. Money's no object,” she replied as she seated herself.
Frankie skeptically eyed the woman and doubted from the looks of her that she could even afford a cup of coffee. As she observed the washed out, long-haired blonde, Frankie took out a notepad, a copy of the contract, and their rate sheet. “I'll need to ask you some questions, but first I'd like you to go over our rates and our contract. If my business partner and I agree to take you on as a client, then we'll have you sign the contract.” She handed the woman the forms.
“No problem,” the blonde replied as she quickly glanced at the documents and then scribbled her name on the contract.
Frankie was surprised that the woman had signed without giving the agreement a thorough reading, but even more so because she hadn't yet agreed to take the woman on as a client. “I'll need to see some identification.”
The woman withdrew her driver's license from her purse and laid it on the desk. “I need proof of my husband's infidelities before I can file for divorce.”
Frankie picked up the driver's license, walked to the scanner and made a copy. She handed the woman's license back to her and then skimmed her copy of it before setting it on her desk. Kendall Longman. Where had she heard that name before? Longman rang a bell with her for some reason, but she couldn't bring it to the surface. No matter. She'd do a search on her name later, whether she took the
case or not, just to ease her curiosity about where she'd heard the name.
Kendall Longman stood as she placed her license back into her purse. “I want you to start right now...this very minute.” She reached into her purse and withdrew a sheet of paper. “All of the pertinent information is here.” She thrust it at Frankie. “Let me know every morning what you have on him. I'll call you. I want lots of pictures, too.” She turned to leave.
“Mrs. Longman?”
The woman whipped around. “You are taking my case, aren't you?” Her eyes searched Frankie's.
Frankie was ready to remind her that she'd have to discuss it with Johanna, but hesitated as she scrutinized the woman. There was something hidden behind those eyes. A deep sadness as though she'd been crushed to her very soul. Her gut instinct told her to take the case. Johanna would understand. In fact, if she were here right now she'd have been the one to immediately agree to it. “Yes, I know my partner will be on board. Once we receive the retainer, we can begin. It would also be helpful if you have a recent picture of your husband.”
“I'll bring the retainer and a photograph to you on Monday morning,” she said. “Will that be okay?” she asked hopefully.
“That will be fine,” Frankie assured her.
“Thatcher needs to be stopped, and the sooner the better,” she said. “He froze my accounts. I can't currently access them.” She wrung her hands. “But I was told you are the best.”
Frankie studied her. She still doubted the woman had a dime to her name, but if what she said was true about frozen assets, it made even less sense. Maybe she was mentally ill. Frankie thought about calling Kate for advice, but then the woman hadn't committed any crime and she didn't want to add to her woes. For now, she'd play along. “I'll see you on Monday morning then and give you your copy of the agreement.”
“Thank you,” Kendall replied with a weak smile as she headed to the door. She turned before opening it and looked at Frankie. “I will be back. I know you probably think I'm crazy, but I assure you I'm not.”