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2-in-1 Page 32
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Page 32
Gracelyn smiled hopefully. “I hope the news is good, Francine,” she said, handing Frankie a steaming cup.
Frankie grinned widely. “It is. This should all be over in a few days and we can get back to normal.” She thanked Gracelyn for the coffee. “Savannah Granger is going to help us in any way she can.”
Johanna’s brow puckered. “How is that going to clear my name?”
Frankie settled back in her chair. “Well, Savannah showed me her contract and your signature is definitely on it. She’s going to testify that you never signed the contract in front of her and that, in fact, she never met you. Your signature was all ready on it. The only dealings Savannah ever had were with Gretchen.” Her lips drew taut. “Gretchen had quite an operation from the sounds of it. It’s a cross between a Ponzi scheme and a pyramid scheme.”
“By the time we prove that she forged my name, my reputation will be destroyed…our business will be ruined. No one will believe I had nothing to do with it.”
Frankie shook her head emphatically. “Your reputation won’t be ruined. She’s not in any trouble yet. Savannah is the only one who’s contacted her about wanting to pull out. Granted it’s only a matter of time before the others follow suit, but Savannah’s agreed to hold off contacting the authorities until we can bring Gretchen down. That’s why we have to act quickly. We need to prove identity theft.”
“How has she gotten away with it for so long?” Gracelyn asked, frowning.
Trey wiped his mouth on a napkin. “I’ve heard about schemes like these but never knew how they worked. I’d like to know, too.”
Frankie took a sip of her coffee. “New investors poured money into the phony company and the original investors were paid from that. She set up some phony books and, unless you’re familiar with the market, everything looked to be on the up-and-up. Since the returns looked good on paper, the original investors had no reason to suspect any wrongdoing. After all, their money was going into a fund that would provide financial security in their golden years. But no money was being placed into any investment account.” She took a deep breath. “Gretchen got greedy for the good life and when the economy took a downturn, several of the original investors were drawing funds from their accounts. She couldn’t attract enough new investors to float the original ones and the funds began to dry up. Savannah decided to pull out on the advice of her financial advisor, and invest her money elsewhere. Gretchen got nervous and tried to convince her to not only stay with her, but to pour more money in.”
“So why didn’t Savannah Granger just turn her in?” Trey said, peering into her eyes. “Wouldn’t that have been the logical thing to do?”
“She didn’t know it was a scam until Gretchen started threatening her.”
“I’m confused here,” Will said, rubbing his chin. “I thought that Gretchen said she was the one being blackmailed by Savannah Granger.”
Gracelyn nodded. “None of this makes sense to me either.”
Johanna swept a hand threw her hair. “I agree. This hasn’t made sense from the beginning.”
Frankie took another sip of coffee. “It didn’t make sense to me either at first. But after spending several hours with Savannah it became crystal clear. Gretchen’s been able to hold the other investors at bay so far, but it’s only a matter of time before her so-called company comes crashing down around her ears. She’s managed to cover her tracks, but now that Savannah has opened the can of worms, she has nowhere to turn. By trying to blackmail Savannah, she figured she’d get more money…enough to secure her final move.”
Johanna walked over to the fireplace and took her time adjusting the log. Frankie watched her stiffened back. She ached to take her into her arms and soothe her, but instead picked her cup back up and took a swallow.
“We already know all of this, Francine,” Gracelyn said. “As far as I can tell we’re back to square one. If not Savannah Granger, then eventually one of the other investors is going to turn Gretchen in. Johanna’s name will still be involved.”
“No, Johanna will be cleared. I haven’t finished.” She watched as Johanna’s shoulders relaxed a little and she turned from the fireplace and faced Frankie.
All eyes were on Frankie as she continued. “Gretchen and Savannah had a brief affair and that’s what Gretchen is using against her. Savannah’s husband is terminally ill and she doesn’t want this information made public.” She turned to Johanna. “Gretchen has already asked you to make a phony allegation against Savannah and that’s exactly what you’ll do with my prompting. Savanna and I worked out all the details today. Gretchen is going to walk right into the trap and we’re going to blindside her.”
Will rubbed his hands together as he touched Trey’s arm. “This is exciting. Better than a movie.” His face reddened. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make light of the situation.”
Frankie laughed. “It’s okay, Will. Believe me not too many of our cases are so complex.”
“Or have an ex-girlfriend trying to screw your reputation,” Johanna added bitterly.
Will and Trey looked uncomfortably at Johanna as Gracelyn cast her eyes down. Frankie stood up, hoping to break the uncomfortable silence that followed. “Johanna, could I talk to you privately?” She looked at Gracelyn and the two men. “Would you mind?” she asked softly.
Gracelyn looked gratefully at her. “No, of course not. Take your time, Francine.”
“Will and I want to hear more about San Francisco. We may vacation there next summer,” Trey announced, smiling at Gracelyn. “Maybe you can fill us in on the best attractions.”
“I’d be happy to.” Gracelyn leaned back in her chair. “You’ll love it.”
Frankie put an arm around Johanna’s shoulder and led her from the room.
* * * *
Once inside their bedroom Frankie swept Johanna into her arms, kissed her deeply, and then held her close. “I miss you,” she murmured against Johanna’s fragrant hair.
“Me, too, baby,” Johanna replied. “I don’t want to see Gretchen again. Isn’t there enough evidence to just go to George and let him handle it from here?”
“Not yet. This will all be over soon, I promise you.”
“But Gretchen thinks I’m leaving you. It’s tearing me apart hearing the horrible things she says about you. She’s going to call at any time. What am I supposed to tell her?” She wrung her hands.
Frankie grabbed Johanna’s hands and gave them a squeeze. “It doesn’t matter what she says about me. When she calls you’re going to tell her that you can’t wait to see her.” Her eyes drifted to the bed. “I wish I could make love to you right now.” She said longingly.
“I can wait to see her.” Johanna plopped down on the bed. “What are you not telling me?” She peered at Frankie. “I know you’re not telling me something.”
Frankie mischievously stared back at her. “You’re going to invite her over here.”
Johanna paled. “Oh no I’m not!” she choked. “I don’t want her to ever step foot in our home again.”
“You have to do it, babe. You’re going to trip her up. So far no one but Savannah has figured out what she’s up to. After I heard her out it makes a hell of a lot of sense.”
“Well, fill me in because I sure as hell don’t know what she’s up to, either.”
Frankie caressed Johanna’s hands as she looked deeply into her eyes. “Honey, I’d never ask you to do this if there was any other way. God, how do you think it makes me feel knowing how she leers at you?”
Johanna swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, Frankie. I’m being insensitive to your feelings. Tell me what Savannah said.”
“Savannah believes that Gretchen is going to leave the country. Gretchen told her the reason she had never met you was because you’re living abroad.”
“And after Gretchen leaves that would leave me holding the bag once the authorities come looking for her and me. So why hasn’t Gretchen left while she had the chance? Why is she risking staying here when she could disappear abroad?”<
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“Because she’s greedy. She doesn’t have enough money to last for very long. So, she wants everything she can get from you.”
“She should know that I don’t have that kind of money either.” She laughed hollowly. “She wouldn’t live long on our savings.”
“She obviously thinks it would be enough to keep her going until she plans another scam.”
“So, the longer I stall her, the longer she’ll stay and that will give you time to bring her down.”
“Yes. And to clear your name in the process. That’s the most important thing. We’ll first get her to admit that she forged your name.”
“It will be her word against mine.” She slowly shook her head. “And as you said earlier, why should George believe that I wasn’t involved from the beginning.”
“No, not if we get it on video,” Frankie said excitedly. “And we’ll also have a signed statement from Savanna detailing her initial conversations and eventual business dealings with Gretchen.”
“How exactly will this work?”
“I’ll be able to see everything that’s going on between you and Gretchen on my computer and will be making a copy with her confession, which we’ll take to George.”
“How is that legal?”
“What she did is illegal. Think about it. Persuade her to talk about the night your partner Ben was murdered.” She was thoughtful for a minute. “Convince her that you need everything to be out in the open so you can have a fresh start.”
“When are you planning to do it?”
“I’ve got everything with me. I’ll have the guys help me set up the camera. We also brought over some boxes. I’ll put some stuff in them and stack them near the living room. She’ll think I’m in the process of vacating the house.”
Johanna’s eyes flitted nervously. “What if she finds out she’s being taped? I don’t like it, Frankie. It’s too risky. She’ll go ballistic.”
“She won’t find out. I promise. Trust me. You know I’d never put you or your mother in danger. This will work.” She held her close for a moment then released her. “Now let’s get back out there and fill everyone in on the plan.”
Chapter 12
Gretchen slowly removed her coat as she stepped into the room. “I’m surprised you asked me here.” She looked suspiciously at Johanna and then at Gracelyn. “When you called last night you sounded desperate. Why the change of heart?”
Gracelyn smiled warmly. “I hope you understand why we couldn’t invite you before this, Gretchen. It was quite awkward with Francine coming to pack her personal effects.” She nodded in the direction of the wall where some boxes were stacked. “I’ll be relieved when she gets the rest of her things out of here.”
“The sooner the better,” Gretchen agreed. She turned her attention to Johanna. “Where’s she staying?”
She shrugged. “I suppose a motel. You know I never thought to ask her. Since you’ve come back into my life, my thoughts are all centered on you.” She pasted a bright smile on her lips.
“That’s good to hear.” She squeezed Johanna’s hand. “Have you spoken to a realtor? We don’t have a lot of time.”
Johanna willed herself to be calm as she led Gretchen to the sofa while Gracelyn made herself comfortable in a chair facing them. Johanna inaudibly took a deep breath to calm herself. She hated sitting this close to Gretchen, but Frankie had found the perfect spot for the camera, which unobtrusively was situated on the wall across from the sofa. The thick drapery cord concealed it. She cringed inwardly when Gretchen placed a friendly hand on her knee. She knew what Frankie must be feeling watching the scene on her computer.
“Well, have you?” Gretchen demanded. “The sooner you unload this place the quicker we can get back to civilization.”
Johanna caught her mother’s uneasy look and quickly composed herself. She turned her head and smiled at Gretchen. “It’s in the works.” She folded her hands and placed them in her lap. “It’s going to take a little time, though, to find a buyer at the price we want.”
“Time is a luxury we don’t have, Jo. We need to be back in California as soon as possible.”
“Why the hurry?”
“You know why,” she said sharply. She patted Johanna’s knee. “Besides I have a surprise for you.”
Johanna raised her eyebrows. “What?”
“I didn’t want to say anything, but I’ve made arrangements for us to take a trip abroad to celebrate getting back together after all these years.”
Johanna’s insides froze. “How can we afford it? We can’t even raise enough to pay off the investors. We can only hope to appease them with the promise to make timely payments until all of the money is returned. And it’s doubtful the authorities won’t get involved.”
Gretchen shrugged. “Don’t worry about that. Just concentrate on liquidating your assets.”
Johanna lifted an eyebrow. “I’m doing the best I can. It’s a slow process.”
Gracelyn caught Johanna’s eye as they had planned, then rose and excused herself to go and make a pot of coffee.
Johanna hoped she could get Gretchen to open up and confess as Frankie had rehearsed her to do. Her nerves were raw as she tried to carefully pick and choose the right words.
Gretchen settled back onto the sofa relaxing as she put an arm around Johanna’s shoulder. “This is nice,” she murmured. “What are my chances of spending the night?” She ran her fingertips through Johanna’s hair. “It would be nice.”
Johanna cleared her throat. “You know how I feel about that. As soon as Frankie and my union is dissolved we’ll have a night you’ll never forget. I promise.”
“Can’t you let down your old-fashioned reserve just this one time?” she persisted. “Let’s cement our fresh start.”
“I wouldn’t feel right with my mother here, either,” she replied slowly.
“What about when you were with Frankie?” she asked sharply.
“My mother stayed in hotels on her previous visits.”
Gretchen lifted a plucked eyebrow. “That seems a bit strange.”
Johanna chewed her bottom lip. “They never got along so it was just easier on all of us.”
“You poor baby,” she said, rubbing Johanna’s arm. “I can make you forget everything.”
“I wouldn’t be able to love you the way I’m dreaming of. Believe me you don’t know what I have in store for you,” she cooed, smiling seductively. “Our time will come. I promise you it’ll be worth the wait.”
“I suppose I have no choice then,” Gretchen conceded.
“Thank you for understanding,” Johanna whispered softly.
“I didn’t say I understood. I’m only willing to wait because I don’t want any part of that hillbilly disrupting our happiness. A clean break will be like a breath of fresh air. Just make sure everything is settled so you’ll never have to see her again.” She peered into Johanna’s eyes.
Johanna was shocked at the icy evil darkness in the woman’s eyes. A deep sadness engulfed her and she felt like she was suffocating. Her heart ached with every ugly word Gretchen uttered about Frankie. She broke the gaze and blinking hard, stared straight ahead. “Yes, I want us to start fresh with no one able to come between us.”
“Agreed.” Gretchen placed a hand on Johanna’s chin and with her fingertips turned her chin until Johanna was facing her. She peered into Johanna’s eyes. “What’s the matter? You look a little sad.” Her eyes narrowed. “You’re not having regrets over leaving that bitch, are you?” She tossed her head. “I want you to get rid of everything she’s ever given you. Donate it…no, better yet, throw it in the trash. That’s where her taste is.” She laughed shrilly then her tone grew harsher. “It is over with her, isn’t it, Jo?”
“Of course. It’ll be good to get back to California. I’m sick of the ice and snow.” Her insides quaked and she couldn’t control her trembling lips.
Gretchen placed a hand on Johanna’s arm and squeezed it tightly. “Then what the hel
l are you blubbering about?”
Johanna bit her bottom lip. “I’ve never gotten over Ben’s death,” she replied in a shaky voice. “Today would have been his birthday. Every year I think about him and I wonder how his wife and children are doing.”
Gretchen shrugged unconcerned. “I’m sure she’s moved on with her life and is remarried. It was a long time ago, Jo. You really need to let it go.”
“But he was so young.” Johanna’s voice wobbled. She felt Gretchen stiffen and decided that it was now or never to see if Gretchen would confess to deliberately murdering Ben. “Please just tell me the truth about the night he died so I can put it to rest. We’ll have nothing putting a wedge between our future happiness.”
Gretchen passed a hand over her chin. “You know that I shot him, Jo. I told you how I planned it down to the most intricate detail as soon as I knew we were going to be a part of the bust at the warehouse.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “I sent you in the opposite direction so you wouldn’t be involved. It was a perfect opportunity with the cops and bad guys firing guns.” She laughed. “I’m sorry that I had to shoot him in the head, but we were all wearing vests and I had to make sure the shot was fatal. You also know why I had to do it. As I said, the perfect opportunity presented itself so I took advantage of it. Everyone believes it was an accident and they’ll never find out now, so case closed. We’ve been through this before. It was a long time ago. I refuse to have any further discussion about Ben, dammit!” She tossed her head angrily. “All of the past shit you and I have been through has to stop now. The past can’t be changed. It’s over and done with.”
“Okay.” Johanna briefly closed her eyes. Her heart was thumping furiously knowing that Gretchen’s confession was on tape. Soon all of this would really be over. Except for clearing her name. She thoughtfully pondered how to pose her next question as she looked at Gretchen’s smug expression. The bitch thought she was calling all the shots, but Johanna knew in the end she’d have the satisfaction of putting her behind bars. She could hardly contain her excitement at the prospect of seeing Gretchen put in prison. She said a silent prayer for Ben. “Can I ask just one more question about the past?”