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2-in-1 Page 21
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Page 21
“Thanks. I should have done it before you got here, but it wasn’t too bad then.” Johanna grinned at her. “I turned the heat up. When we get back from dinner I’ll put a log on the fire.”
Frankie walked over to the chair on which Johanna was seated and sat on the arm of it. She casually put an arm around Johanna’s shoulder.
Gracelyn averted her eyes. “Is this sofa new? I don’t remember it.”
Johanna glanced at Frankie, lifted an eyebrow, then peered at her mother. “Mom, we’ve had this sofa for five years. We haven’t changed any of the furniture in here.”
Gracelyn nodded then stood up. “Well, it’s nice just the same. I’d like to freshen up before we go to dinner if you don’t mind.”
Frankie frowned. “It’s so cold out and with the snow and the roads beginning to ice up maybe we should stay in tonight. I can cook whatever you’d like. I’ve stocked the freezer and refrigerator. It won’t take me long to whip something up if you’d like an early dinner.”
“I was looking forward to a nice steak. Johanna was telling me about the rave reviews the new steakhouse has gotten. We passed it on the way here.”
“I can grill some steaks,” Frankie replied. “I love using my new countertop grill. Why don’t you and Johanna have a cup of coffee and I’ll start dinner.”
“I don’t want to put you to any trouble, Francine.” She stood nervously twisting her hands together.
“It’s no trouble. I love cooking.”
“Mom really wants to try the steakhouse. If you’d rather not go out, I can bring you something back, Frankie,” Johanna offered as she looked uneasily at her mother. “It’s not too bad out yet. I think the worst of the storm won’t hit until late tonight. Why don’t you take a nice long bubble bath and relax? We won’t be long.”
Frankie shrugged. “No. I’ll go, too. Let me grab a quick shower.” She rose. “I’ll turn off the coffee if no one wants any. We can warm it up later.” She walked to the kitchen, turned off the coffee maker then made her way to the master bedroom she shared with Johanna. Once inside, she stripped off her clothes, entered the adjoining bathroom, and stepped into the shower. A few minutes later the shower curtain slowly opened and Johanna slipped inside. She put her arms around Frankie drawing her close.
“Still cold? I’ll warm you up,” she said, breathing close to Frankie’s ear.
“Where’s your mother?” The heat from Johanna’s body weakened Frankie’s knees. She wanted to take her right now, but forced herself not to give in to her desires. She wriggled free from Johanna’s embrace. “Not now, honey.”
“What’s wrong, baby? Mom’s in the living room. She decided to have a cup of coffee after all while we waited for you, so I told her I wanted to freshen up, too.” She placed her hands on Frankie’s shoulders and nuzzled the back of Frankie’s neck. “Did something happen when you served the summonses? You seem distracted and you’ve been unusually quiet. And I know quiet is not your usual nature,” she teased.
“No, everything was fine. But what’s going on with your mother? Something’s off. She’s not acting right. Something’s bothering her. Is she sick or something? She’s awfully pale.”
“She’s been in a strange mood ever since I picked her up. She says she’s concerned about a friend who had minor surgery, but I think it’s more than that. I’m sure she’ll tell me when she’s ready. I don’t think she’s ill, though. I asked her and she said she was just a little tired. It was a long trip and I have to realize she is getting up there in years. I know she’d tell me if something was wrong. She’d never keep a serious illness from me. If she doesn’t snap out of it soon I’ll talk to her privately to make certain everything’s okay.” She sighed. “I’m glad you decided to come to dinner with us, but right now I’d like a little dessert.”
Johanna’s hardened nipples pressing against her back drove her crazy with desire. “Not, now, sweetie,” she said weakly. “Let’s wait till later when we have the whole night.”
Johanna laughed softly. “If you’re worried about my mother she can’t hear us.” She planted soft kisses on the back of Frankie’s neck. “I’m not going to spend the next two weeks without making love to you. Mmm. Tonight I’ll not only warm you up, but make you so hot you won’t be able to stand it. You’ll think we’re having a heat wave.”
“I can’t wait.” She grabbed Johanna’s hand and squeezed it. “We’d better get ready to go to dinner. Your mother must be starved if she wants to go this early.”
“Okay, but tonight you’re mine.” She stepped out of the shower.
Frankie finished her shower, toweled herself dry, then rummaged through her closet, and finally chose a dark blue pair of dress slacks and a heavy powder blue pullover sweater Johanna had given her last Christmas. She quickly dressed, then turned around surprised to see Johanna watching her with a wide appreciative smile.
“I thought you’d already dressed and were in the living room with your mother.”
“I was over there.” Johanna pointed to the vanity. She dropped her towel and stood naked as she pondered her own outfit. “I was doing my nails. You must have a lot on your mind, babe, if you didn’t see me. What’s wrong? Did something happen at the office after I left? Between you and Mom with your strange moods I don’t know who to be more worried about.”
“I’m just worried about your mother.” Frankie sucked in her breath as her eyes drifted to Johanna’s beautifully proportioned body, finally resting on her auburn pubic hairs. She wanted to bury her face in the silky mound, never tiring of the taste of her lover.
Johanna grabbed Frankie’s hands. “You look nice.” She pulled her close embracing her. “I love you and I can’t stand it when something’s bothering you. Please tell me what it is, baby.”
“It’s nothing important. I’m just a little tired. That’s all.” Frankie ran her fingers through Johanna’s long hair as she tenderly kissed her.
Johanna pressed her body tightly to Frankie’s. “Make love to me, baby,” she whispered seductively. “I can’t wait ’til tonight. I need you now. Don’t make me beg, but I will if I have to.”
Frankie swallowed hard as she tried to stay in control, but when Johanna ran a hand under her sweater and teased a nipple with her fingertips through Frankie’s lacy bra, her knees buckled and she ran her hands over Johanna’s firm bare ass. She teased the crack of Johanna’s ass with a fingertip as she watched Johanna’s eyes. She loved seeing the passion in her lover’s clear green eyes as they looked back at her with need and longing.
Johanna moaned as she tried to manipulate Frankie’s finger inside of her. She removed her hand from Frankie’s breast and tugged at the waistband of Frankie’s slacks then slowly moved her hand inside lingering outside the silky panties and teasing Frankie’s clit with the soft material before moving her fingers inside.
Frankie’s wet pussy tightened around Johanna’s fingers. “Fuck me,” she gasped. She wriggled her hips driving Johanna’s fingers deeper inside as she slipped her own finger inside of Johanna and manipulated Johanna’s clit. Soft moans erupted from Johanna’s throat as she started to climax.
A sharp knock on their bedroom door startled them.
“Johanna?” Gracelyn called. “Are you girls almost ready?”
“Shit,” Johanna mumbled. “I’ll be there in a few minutes, Mom,” she breathlessly called.
Frankie, frustrated, pulled away and rushed toward the bathroom.
“I’m sorry,” Johanna whispered following her. “We’ll have tonight. I promise.”
Frankie removed her slacks and panties, and after washing, touched up her makeup. When she finished she put fresh panties on and was pulling up her slacks when Johanna joined her.
“What should I wear?” Johanna asked, slipping a pair of panties on.
“How about the green dress? I love you in that.” Frankie sat on the edge of the bed watching her dress. “Oh my God I forgot to tell you that someone came into the office looking for you just
as I was locking up.”
“Who?” Johanna asked, slipping the dress over her head.
Frankie shrugged. “She didn’t say. In fact she got an attitude when I wouldn’t give her your cell phone number. I tried to explain to her that if she calls the business number the call would be transferred here anyway.”
“Anything not a matter of life or death can wait for a couple of weeks.” She touched Frankie’s shoulder. “Thank you for agreeing to take some time off work to spend with my mother. It means a lot to me.”
“I hope to get to know her better. You don’t see her often, Johanna, and how fair would it be of me when you put up with my mother.”
“I love being around Selma. And I love driving to Bradford to visit her and seeing all the places you used to hang out at as a kid.”
“Maybe someday we can take a trip together to California and I can finally see all of your old hangouts.”
Johanna screwed up her face. “You know when I go there it’s only for a couple of days. I can’t stand it anymore. But it will be fun to show you around. The smartest move I made was putting in for the transfer to Philly. Besides, my mother is the complete opposite of yours. If mine isn’t on a cruise, she’s traveling to visit friends.”
“I think even if my mom had a ton of money she’d still be happier living in her double wide and tending her flower garden while gossiping with her neighbors and church friends and planning their bingo strategies.”
“Being happy is what really matters, Frankie. My mother doesn’t find joy in the simple things.” She sighed. “I’m glad I take after my father.”
“Maybe she really is happy.” She peered into Johanna’s eyes. “Things we might find boring are exciting to someone else and things we find exciting may be boring to them.”
Johanna sighed again. “Maybe so, but I’d feel better if she’d find a man, except she’s too damned picky. She’s the type of woman who doesn’t do as well on her own as your mother does even if she pretends otherwise. I know it was difficult for her after we’d gotten over the shock of my father’s sudden death shortly after my high school graduation. But Dad left her well off with the business, so financially she didn’t have to worry.”
Frankie ran a hand through her hair. “We always had to worry about money, but of course I didn’t know how bad off we were since I was only ten when my father died. My mother did a good job of hiding her financial worries from me. She loved my dad and never seemed to miss the companionship of a man. I think I’d have a heart attack if she ever started dating now.” She grinned. “I can’t picture her with anyone, but then, Dad was the love of her life. She’s happy and content with her life and as long as she’s content that’s all that counts.”
Johanna smiled. “Like a classic love story.”
“Yes.” She stood up and walked to her closet. “You know what? I’m going to go all out and wear a skirt and heels tonight.”
Johanna’s eyebrows shot up. “Ummm.”
* * * *
Frankie sat uncomfortably in the booth next to Johanna as Johanna tried to make idle conversation with Gracelyn. Frankie had given up trying when she’d received no more than one word responses from the woman. Whatever was bothering Gracelyn, Frankie could see by the look in Johanna’s eyes that it was taking a toll on her and she was relieved when Johanna finally signaled for the check as they were finishing their desserts and after dinner coffees. The ride home was awkward with the deafening silence in Johanna’s car almost unbearable. Frankie sat in the backseat after insisting that Gracelyn sit in the front passenger seat. The roads were icing up quickly and as Johanna made the way up the road leading to their home, she breathed a sigh of relief. She intended to excuse herself early and give Johanna and Gracelyn an opportunity to talk. Maybe without any distractions Gracelyn would open up to her daughter about what was obviously on her mind.
Frankie watched cautiously as Johanna maneuvered the car up the slippery driveway and into the garage. Johanna took her mother’s arm as they walked from the garage to the house. Frankie was glad that she’d salted the walk.
The wind had picked up and Frankie shivered, her stocking-clad legs freezing. She unlocked then held the door open for Johanna and Gracelyn before scurrying inside after them relishing the welcoming warmth of the house.
After they’d removed and hung up their coats, Frankie and Johanna sat on the sofa while Gracelyn sat in an easy chair facing them. “Thank you for the lovely dinner, girls. It was delicious.”
Johanna smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Mom. Is there anything special you’d like to do tomorrow? Weather permitting, of course.”
“I don’t want to interfere with your work.”
Johanna slowly shook her head, exasperated. “I told you a hundred times that we’re on vacation. There is no work for two weeks.”
Gracelyn’s eyes narrowed. “You both didn’t need to take the time off for me.” She looked sharply at Frankie.
Frankie caught the innuendo, but pushed it aside and pasted a bright smile on her lips. “I thought one day we’d drive to New York to shop, have dinner and see a play. My treat.”
“Thank you, Francine, but we can do that in Philadelphia. It’s much closer. There’s no need to make that long drive.”
Frankie’s face flushed. Johanna squeezed her elbow, but it still didn’t make her feel any better. “Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?” She longed for an excuse to leave the room if only for a few minutes. The next two weeks wouldn’t be easy, but besides Gracelyn spending some time with friends in Philadelphia, she also knew that Johanna and her mother would be spending some time alone together. Frankie cherished the thought of having some time to herself. She planned to catch up on a couple of mysteries she’d been dying to read while curled up on the sofa with a crackling fire and a glass of wine. Of course she’d prefer it if Johanna was cuddled up next to her, but since any cuddling they did would be behind the closed door of their bedroom, the daytrips Johanna had planned alone with her mother suited her just fine.
“No, thank you. It’s rather late for that. It would keep me up all night. Besides I had enough coffee with dinner.” She glanced around the room. “Are you certain you both can afford the time off work? It must cost a fortune for the upkeep on this place.”
“Mom, we’re far from destitute.” Johanna threw her hands up. “We aren’t wealthy, but we’re very comfortable.”
“Just the same,” she sighed heavily, “I worry with you living out here in the middle of nowhere, Johanna. You’re so isolated. Anything could happen to you girls. There’s miles without another house in sight.”
“We’re perfectly safe here…probably safer than living in the city, so please don’t worry. Besides, I’m not a child, Mom. We’ve been here for ten years and have had no problems.” She shifted her body. “Mom, what’s really going on? You’re not acting like yourself. Are you ill?” she asked worriedly. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”
Gracelyn’s eyes shifted nervously. “Everything’s fine, Johanna. I’m just tired. It’s been an exhausting day.”
Johanna frowned. “No. Something’s wrong and I want you to tell me what it is. No more games…out with it.”
Gracelyn removed her cell phone from her purse and opened it. “Excuse me a moment while I check my messages.”
Frankie and Johanna exchanged bewildered looks as Gracelyn’s expression became panicked when she peered at her phone. She quickly snapped it shut.
“What’s wrong, Mom? Is it your friend? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine.”
“Mom, something’s wrong and I want to know what it is. This odd behavior isn’t like you at all. I’m losing my patience,” Johanna said exasperated.
Frankie stood up, walked over to the fireplace, and took her time putting a log on while Gracelyn sat in stony silence. She stared into the flames wondering when she could casually excuse herself and retreat to her bedroom. She’d love nothing more than to be curled up on the sofa
with a glass of wine enjoying the warm ambience of the flames dancing in the fireplace, but the tension hanging over the room dispelled the warmth she normally felt here. She recalled how she and Johanna had spent weeks making it a relaxed and tranquil room. They’d picked out the furniture keeping the rustic appeal they both loved at the center of every piece they chose. The colors were neutral making for a calming atmosphere and the beautiful hardwood floors were covered with a few area rugs. They’d added their own individual feminine touches and were satisfied with the outcome.
The doorbell sounded, alarming Frankie. The three of them looked in the direction of the entryway. “I’ll see who it is,” Frankie said, looking questionably at Johanna. “How the hell did anyone get through the security gate?”
“Be careful. I don’t know who’d be stopping by this time of night,” Johanna said anxiously as her brow creased. “I think I forgot to reset the security lock for the main gate when we drove in. I’m sorry.”
“This is the reason I worry,” Gracelyn admonished, as her eyes grew fearful. “You hear about home invasions all the time on the news. And with you girls living out here in the middle of nowhere—” her voice trailed off.
“Mother, if anyone suspicious looking is on the other side of the door we have our guns, remember? We are not two helpless frail women here.”
“Maybe it’s Trey. I don’t know who else would be on the road with the weather so bad. Don’t worry about the gate, either, Johanna. It was an honest mistake. I always double-check everything before going to bed,” Frankie said over her shoulder for Gracelyn’s benefit as she walked to the door, turned on the outdoor light, then peered out of the peephole. She was surprised to see the woman who’d earlier shown up at the office looking for Johanna standing on the porch shivering with her arms wrapped around herself.