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  Johanna observed the worried look in his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. “Not yet. We have a few questions we'd like to ask you and we thought it would be better to meet with you here to avoid any suspicion on Will's part.”

  He nodded. “I agree.”

  A waitress appeared and took their drink orders. They all ordered iced tea.

  “Nice place,” Trey said. “I'll have to bring Will here sometime after things settle down. Like me, he loves diners.”

  Johanna wondered what he meant by settle down.

  “I can't believe you've never been here,” Frankie said. “They're only open for breakfast and lunch, though, so you'd have to make a breakfast or lunch date with him.”

  “That explains why we haven't been here then. Breakfast we usually eat at home.” He picked up a menu. “For lunch we usually hit a quick fast food place. Too bad they aren't open for dinner. This is a real treat. I feel like I'm back in the fifties.”

  Frankie chuckled. “There's one problem with that, Trey. None of us were born yet.”

  He laughed. “You're right. So, what do you recommend I order?”

  “Everything is good,” Johanna said glancing over her own menu. “I think I'll have the special. I haven't had a hot roast beef sandwich in ages.”

  “Sounds good,” Frankie said closing her menu.

  “Make that three,” Trey added.

  The waitress came back and set their glasses of iced tea in front of them. “Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?” she asked with a bright smile.

  “We're ready,” Trey said. “We'll all have the special.”

  They made small talk while they waited for their food. After the waitress set their plates before them, they ate quietly for a few minutes.

  “This is really good,” Trey remarked.

  Johanna studied him while they enjoyed their meals. Trey was ruggedly handsome with broad muscular shoulders, hair the color of sand, and beautiful blue eyes. He was easy going and they'd instantly connected with him the first time they met. He'd always been there to offer help whenever they needed it and now they'd be there for him in his time of need. The more she observed him, the more she was convinced that he was masking his real feelings. Something was troubling him and unless he shared it, they couldn't help him. “I take it business is booming,” she said.

  Trey wiped his mouth on a napkin. “I never dreamed the business would take off like it did. I had hoped, but never thought it possible.” He sighed. Even though his life should be near perfect, the sadness behind his eyes didn't go unnoticed by Johanna.

  “That's because you've always gone above and beyond,” Frankie said. “I knew from the minute we met you that we couldn't have made a better choice. You always deliver more than promised and your clients know that.”

  “I thank you for your kind words,” Trey replied. “And I also thank you for all the word of mouth endorsements you two have given me.”

  “We wouldn't have done it if you hadn't deserved it,” Johanna said. “Now back to the reason we set up this meeting. Not that we wouldn't have enjoyed your company otherwise,” she added.

  “The feelings mutual.” He took a swallow of his iced tea. “You said you had some questions for me?”

  “We do,” Johanna replied. “How much has Will told you about Kyle Martin?”

  He frowned. “That's just it…hardly anything. In fact, I'd never heard his name until Will mentioned Kyle was looking for a job.” He took a swallow of his tea. “I thought maybe he was someone Will had recently met, but he said they go way back.”

  “Did Will say how he knew him?” Frankie asked.

  “Yeah. He said they played football together in high school.”

  “Then they couldn't have been close or Will certainly would have mentioned him at some point,” Frankie said. “Or at the very least, they would have maintained some type of contact.”

  “As far as I know, they haven’t been in contact since their high school days.” He looked at the women. “You both know Will enough to know what a kind heart he has.”

  “We know,” Johanna said softly. She’d immediately taken a liking to Will when Trey introduced him to Frankie and her. And she was thrilled when Trey and Will's relationship blossomed into a partnership. Will was charming with dark hair and boyish good looks. He was five years Trey's junior.

  “Kyle must have found out where Will was living,” Frankie persisted.

  Trey shrugged. “I never thought of that, but it makes sense.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Maybe Kyle had been in touch and Will didn't think it important enough to mention. We've been so busy with the expansion there are days when Will and I barely see each other.”

  Johanna sat back and listened, observing Trey's facial expressions as Frankie asked the questions. She watched doubt creep into his eyes as he picked his glass back up. “I don't know. Neither of us is into social media.”

  “Do you know if Kyle is married?” Frankie asked.

  “Will mentioned that he has a wife and is raising his late sister's son. They currently live in Seattle.”

  “I assume they'll be joining him if you hire him.” Frankie's eyebrows drew together. “When will Kyle be arriving?”

  Trey exhaled loudly. “He's already here.”

  Frankie's eyes narrowed. “Before he even has the job?”

  He nodded.

  “Did his family come with him?” Johanna asked.

  He shook his head. “No. He's going to send for them after he secures an apartment or affordable home. At least that's what Will says.”

  Johanna's brow puckered. “Trey, what aren't you telling us? Something doesn't sound right.”

  He blew his breath out dejectedly. “Will already hired him.”

  “Does he have the authority?” Frankie asked, surprised. “I don't mean to pry into your personal affairs, Trey, so please don't take it the wrong way.”

  “I’m not,” he assured Frankie with a weak smile. He folded his hands. “I've given Will some authority due to our personal relationship, but never any authority where it concerns the finances of the business. Even with minor decisions, he's always come to me first to seek my approval before moving ahead. That's what makes this whole situation so strange.”

  “Have you confronted Will about hiring him?” Frankie questioned.

  “I only found out he'd gone ahead and hired Kyle after I called you this morning, Johanna. I should have called you back and told you right away, but I'm still processing it. Needless to say, I did let Will know in no uncertain terms that I wasn't happy about it.” He swallowed hard. “I don't know what to do. I can't believe Will would do something like this. He has no authority to hire anyone and he knows it.”

  Frankie lifted an eyebrow. “You need to tell Kyle that Will had no authority to hire him and end his job before it begins.”

  “I can't do that. Will had him sign a contract.” His jaw tightened.

  “You own your business, Trey. You're the boss, remember?” Frankie reminded him. “So why can't you tear it up? It's not binding.”

  Trey's eyebrows drew together. “I don't know how Kyle convinced Will to give him a contract.”

  The pain was evident in Trey's eyes. Johanna could only imagine his pain. He'd been betrayed in the worst possible way. Or had he? Johanna couldn't believe Will would ever hurt Trey. Their relationship was rock solid. Will was incapable of hurting anyone, at least that's how he'd always come across to her. There had to be more to it and she was determined to get to the bottom of it. She knew Frankie would agree.

  “Just tear it up,” Frankie persisted.

  “I need to talk to Will first.” He blew his breath out. “I only found out about it from my accountant.”

  “Will never told you?” Frankie frowned.

  “No. That's what doesn't make any sense.”

  Johanna grabbed Frankie's hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. Frankie picked up on her signal, dropped the topic of
the contract, and brought up a new topic. They'd get back to Kyle's employment later. Right now, they had too many other questions they needed answers to.

  “Where's Kyle staying while he waits for his family to join him?” Frankie asked.

  Trey's jaw tightened. “Will invited him to stay with us.”

  “Let me guess…again without running it by you first.” Frankie frowned and then lifted her eyebrows as she turned her head and glanced at Johanna.

  “I know what you two are thinking.” Trey toyed with his napkin. “You’re right. Will didn't consult me first.” He scratched his jaw. “It's out of character for him to be doing all this without consulting me about anything.” He stared hard at them and looked like he was forming his next thought.

  Whatever it was, Johanna waited for him to finish, but he clammed up. She was now more determined than ever to get to the bottom of Kyle's hold over Will. And by the way Frankie was gripping her hand, Johanna knew she felt the same.

  Frankie leaned back in the booth and eyed Trey. “Can I ask you a personal question, Trey?”

  He shrugged. “Of course. You two are my closest friends.” He flashed a weak smile. “You know that.”

  “We know.” She smiled and then grew serious. “Are you and Will having problems?”

  He shook his head and then smiled. “Of course not. The business is thriving and we couldn't be happier with the way it's going.”

  “I don't mean problems with the business. A few minutes ago, you said Will and you barely see one another.”

  He pulled on his chin. “I meant because we're so busy, not because there's trouble between us,” he explained.

  “So, the contract and now Kyle moving into your home isn't putting a strain on your relationship?” Frankie asked.

  He sighed heavily. “I'm drained,” he admitted. “I don't know what to do. But I refuse to believe Will would betray me.”

  Johanna swallowed hard. “Maybe there's something in Will's past he's keeping from you. Maybe he hasn't been able to bring himself to tell you about it.”

  “Like what happened when someone from your past showed up, Johanna?” he asked, but not in a mean way.

  “That's exactly what I mean,” she replied holding Frankie's hand tightly. “It could have destroyed us.”

  “But it didn't,” Trey replied. “Even if Will does have a past with Kyle, it doesn't matter to me. I just want things back the way they were.” He finished his iced tea. “But there is something else to consider.”

  “What's that?” Frankie asked.

  “Maybe Will is just being a nice guy and trying to help a friend. I do have to consider that.”

  “Maybe. I hope that's all it is, Trey,” Johanna answered, but she doubted that was the case. “I've just had a thought.”

  “What?” Frankie asked.

  Johanna looked at Trey. “We'll still do a more thorough background check on Kyle, but I'd like to meet him in person just to get a feel of him. Since he's living in your house, why don't you invite Frankie and me over for an informal get together?”

  He nodded. “I'll see if I can put together something for tomorrow night. Will that work for you two?” he asked. “I'll invite you to dinner.”

  “We'll make it work,” Frankie answered.

  “Good. I'll call you later with the time.” He consulted his wristwatch. “I've got to get back. I'll take care of the check.”

  “No,” Frankie said. “It's on us.”

  “Thank you.” He gave them each a quick hug and left.

  “What do you think?” Johanna asked.

  Frankie shook her head. “I don't know. A part of me wants to believe nothing sinister is going on, but…” She shook her head again.

  “But what?” Johanna asked skeptically.

  “That Will might be working somehow with Kyle Martin against Trey, perhaps to take over the business.”

  Johanna's jaw tightened. “I refuse to believe that,” she spat out. “How can you even think that, Frankie?”

  “I didn't say I believe it.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Johanna. “But we have to consider it. We'll get a better feel for the situation once we meet Kyle face to face.”

  Chapter 3

  “Hey, George,” Johanna said brightly as she and Frankie entered the sheriff's office.

  “We're here to pick up the summonses,” Frankie said, walking to the front of Sheriff George Ryker's desk.

  “I've got them right here,” George replied shifting his body in his chair as he reached for the pile of documents located on the corner of his cluttered desk. “How are you ladies doing?”

  “Keeping busy as usual,” Johanna replied. “It's strange not seeing Kate and Arlan.”

  “Yeah, I miss them, but don't you dare tell them I said that.” He chuckled as he ran a hand through his gray hair.

  Johanna smiled as she studied him. “We miss them, too, but they'll be back before we know it.”

  George nodded. “Arlan mentioned that Kate and he are planning a house warming party as soon as they get settled into their house.”

  “I can't wait to see it,” Frankie said.

  “I thought you two already had.” George lifted an eyebrow in surprise.

  “The kitchen wasn't completed,” Johanna explained. “And Trey still has to finish the landscaping.”

  “But what we did see was spectacular,” Frankie added.

  “I look forward to seeing what they've done. How's Selma doing?” George asked Frankie.

  Frankie smiled. “As good as ever. She's planning to visit in a couple of weeks. We'll have you over to dinner.”

  His eyes brightened. “I'd like that.”

  * * * *

  “It’s no secret that George has a thing for Selma,” Johanna said as they made their way to Frankie's car.

  Frankie laughed. “Yeah, I know. But even if my mother were interested in a man, she'd never move here. Her roots are in western PA and always will be.”

  Johanna sighed. “I thought we built the extra rooms for our mothers.”

  “Oh, we did. But that doesn't mean they'll agree to permanently occupy them.” She squeezed Johanna's hand. “But I think it'll give all of us peace of mind knowing the rooms are there, just in case.”

  “I agree, babe.”

  They got into the car and Johanna shuffled through the summonses. “These shouldn't take long.”

  Frankie made a face as she started the car. “That's what we always say and we usually end up with one that isn't so easy.”

  Johanna smiled. “That's why we deliver them together.”

  “I remember when we'd just deliver them with no trouble at all…not even together.” She slowly shook her heard. “It wasn't even that long ago.”

  “I know. It's sad how quickly things have changed. But on the bright side, these summonses are all only to be delivered to businesses. Small time stuff. Should be no trouble.” She peered at Frankie. “Is something else bothering you?”

  Frankie let her breath out in a huff. “I just have an uneasy feeling about Kyle Martin.”

  “You don't think he contacted Will only because he wanted to renew their friendship? And, of course, we can't forget that he needed a job.”

  “I think the needing a job is just a cover. He wants something more. But what?”

  Johanna frowned. “Why would Kyle think Will could give him anything more? It's not like he owns the company.”

  Frankie was quiet for a minute. “Maybe Will told him he did. You know how it is. He might have bragged that he had more power than he does. After all, Will gave Kyle a position without proper vetting.”

  “Maybe Will did have him checked out. We don't know that he didn't.”

  Frankie bit her bottom lip. “I doubt it. We don't know for how long they were communicating before Kyle arrived in Charlestown. And we also don't know if Will may have posted something about the company on social media that may have caught Kyle's attention.” She blew her breath out. “And why wouldn'
t he have asked us to do the background check?”

  “I don't know. You have a point.” Johanna lifted an eyebrow. “I suppose we'll just have to feel Kyle out when we have dinner with them.” She held up the summonses. “For now, let's get these delivered.”

  * * * *

  “What are you doing?” Frankie asked as she set a bowl of homemade clam chowder in front of Johanna.

  Johanna looked up. “Making a list of questions I want to ask Kyle Martin tomorrow night.” She pushed her notebook aside and then picked up her spoon and took a large mouthful of the chowder. “This is delicious.”

  “Thank you. I think the fresh herbs from your garden is what made it so good.”

  “Maybe my herbs added to it, but it's your special touch.”

  “We'll both take credit for it, then. Agreed?” Frankie grinned.

  “Agreed,” Johanna said before taking another large spoonful.

  Frankie dug into her bowl of chowder. After a few minutes, she looked toward the window. “It's a beautiful night. Want to take a swim later?” She winked at Johanna.

  Johanna grinned. “I could use a good workout.” She slyly lifted an eyebrow.

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  * * * *

  Johanna dove gracefully into the pool. When she came back to the surface Frankie was waiting for her.

  “Let's do a few laps.”

  Johanna swept her wet hair back. “Competitive or leisurely?”

  Frankie's eyebrows drew together. “Leisurely. I'll let you off the hook tonight.”

  Johanna chuckled. “You wish. But you do look a little tired tonight, so I'll let you off the hook.”

  Frankie screwed up her face. “I can't get anything past you, can I?”

  “No, you can't. So, quit trying.”

  After swimming a few laps side-by-side, they climbed out of the pool and settled into lounge chairs.

  “I could sit out here all night,” Johanna said, staring up at the star-studded sky. She sighed softly. “Look at all those stars.”

  “I know.” Frankie lay back in her chair. “We don't get too many nights like these to relax and enjoy ourselves.”