2-in-1 Page 26
Frankie gazed thoughtfully at her. “Johanna, this still doesn’t make sense. Can’t you get it through your head? You did nothing wrong so why are you reliving all of this now? It was years ago. It’s horrible to lose a partner, honey, and I sympathize with you, but you need to stop beating yourself up over this. Ben’s death was not your fault and he knows that.” She grabbed some tissues from the box sitting on the edge of the desk and handed them to her. “Now dry your eyes. You had me scared to death.” Her eyes bore into Johanna’s. “Or is there something more you’re not telling me? If there is then now is as good a time as any to get it out in the open.”
“Yes, there’s more,” she cried. “It’s the reason I’m so upset and reliving that night all over again. Last night after you went to bed my mother told me that Gretchen admitted to her that she did shoot Ben intentionally and if I didn’t help her out of the mess she was now in she’d implicate me and tell the authorities that I was a part of it…that we’d plotted together to get rid of him.”
“Who would believe her?” Frankie threw her hands up in disgust. “You have an exemplary record. Besides she’d be arrested and go to prison for murder. What would be her motive? There’d be nothing in it for her. She’s calling your bluff. She’s still doing what you said she always did…scaring you so that you’ll do whatever she wants. She’s done calling the shots, babe. Forget about what she told your mother. It’s not worth worrying yourself sick over.”
Johanna chewed her bottom lip. “I could go to prison, too.”
“No you wouldn’t. Just because you thought at that time she might have deliberately done it still doesn’t implicate you. You didn’t witness her shooting your partner. If you had and then said nothing it would be a different story. And Gretchen never came right out and told you she’d done it on purpose, did she?”
She wrung her hands. “No, but it was the way she acted that caused me to wonder. She made sure she kept that seed of doubt in my mind.”
“She did that to keep you under her thumb.” Frankie sighed. “The same way you said she kept everyone under her thumb. She used intimidation and fear.”
“What if the case is reopened? They might believe her then since she fraudulently has my signature on her business documents. It would look like I was a party to his killing.”
“I hope they do reopen the case so they can nail her ass to the wall. We’ll prove that you had nothing to do with her scam. We’ll find a way to prove that she lifted your signature and either hired someone to forge your name or owns the equipment capable of making forged documents.”
“Since she forged my name on these phony documents how do I know she didn’t forge my name on other documents, too? God only knows how many counterfeit documents might be floating around out there with my name on them.”
Frankie exhaled loudly. “At this point we don’t know what she has and hasn’t done. We’ve got to be extremely careful how we handle her. It won’t be easy, but we’ve got to beat her at her own game.” She rubbed her hands together excitedly. “I can’t wait to offer her the bait. She’ll only be too willing to take it.”
“I don’t like being the bait.”
“I know, but it’s the only way.”
Johanna stared into Frankie’s big brown eyes. “Did I tell you that Ben had a baby on the way and a little girl at home? His wife was one of the sweetest women I had ever met and they were so much in love.” Her lips quivered. “I’ve been carrying this guilt about his death inside for all these years not knowing whether Gretchen really did it on purpose or not. So many times I wanted to tell you so I could unburden myself.”
“I wish you would have, sweetie. But believe me you have no reason to feel guilty. Ben knows that, too.” She swept Johanna’s hair from her brow. “We’ll get the bitch. That I promise you. Now I want you to stop worrying about the night Ben died.”
Johanna breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad this is finally out in the open. I couldn’t bear it if you ever thought less of me.”
“You should know me better than that. I don’t think there’s anything you could do that would make me think less of you. I know what a great cop you were. I worked with you, remember? If you had been unethical I certainly would have done something about it.” She smiled. “And I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you. There are two kinds of people in this world…those with a conscience and those without. You definitely have a conscience. Now before we continue, are there any more deep dark secrets that you think I should know about?”
“No. I just want to put this nightmare behind us, Frankie.” She grimaced. “So much for a relaxing two weeks. I’m beginning to think that we’re not meant to have a vacation. At least a planned one.”
“We will someday and we’ll also put this mess behind us. Once you reel Gretchen in we can get on with our lives.” She shrugged. “If all goes according to plan it may be sooner than you think.” She stood up. “We’ll still have time to do all the things we planned for your mother. And don’t forget, something good has already come out of this.”
Johanna skeptically raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Your mother and I have finally had a chance to clear the air and really get to know one another. It took a lot for her to admit her feelings. You don’t know how happy that makes me feel.”
“I am happy about that, but don’t underestimate Gretchen, Frankie,” Johanna said as Frankie moved back to her computer. “I’ve never known anyone as cold and calculating. She’s capable of anything.”
“Give me a little while to map out what our first move will be after you convince Gretchen that you want her back.”
Johanna shuddered. “I’m still not comfortable with that, Frankie. Can’t we come up with a different plan? There has to be another way.”
“No. It’s the only way. You’ve got to convince her that she was the best thing that ever happened to you and you’ve been miserable ever since you left her and California.”
Johanna peered at her hands for a long minute before raising her eyes level with Frankie’s. “I don’t know if she’ll fall for it. After all these years? If I was heartsick over her then why didn’t I ever try to get back in touch with her? I don’t think it’s going to be easy to convince her.”
Frankie propped her head on her hand. “Tell her your stubborn pride wouldn’t let you.” She smiled wryly. “Babe, the way you look at someone with those beautiful green eyes would make anyone believe anything you said. You could melt the coldest heart.”
“The thought of being alone with her makes me violently ill.”
“Me, too,” Frankie admitted. “But, like I said, it’s the only way. Unless you have another idea?”
“No.” Johanna looked out of the window at the few flakes of snow drifting quietly from the sky.
Frankie stood and walked over to her. “Everything will be okay,” she said softly. “Trust me. I’d never put you in harm’s way.”
“I know.” She grabbed Frankie’s hands and held them tightly as though she were holding on for her life. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she whispered hoarsely.
“You’ll never find out.” Frankie’s lips brushed hers. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?” she asked softly.
Chapter 8
Frankie rose and stretched her arms. “I’ve talked to Trey and Will. They said the roads are passable so they’ll definitely be here for dinner tonight. I’ll fill them in on our plans.” She noted the worried expressions on Johanna and Gracelyn’s faces. “It’s going to be okay.”
“Oh, I still don’t like this,” Gracelyn said, twisting her hands. “There must be some other way, girls. I don’t know Gretchen very well, but that woman is evil. You can feel it all around her. I cringe every time I look at her and hear her voice.”
“I don’t like it either, Mom,” Johanna admitted. “Just being near her makes me sick to my stomach.”
Frankie leaned against the edge of her desk and faced Johanna. “Enough
stalling. Call Gretchen, Johanna. The sooner we get her, the better. We can’t afford to waste any more time.”
Johanna’s eyes pleaded with Frankie’s as she reluctantly picked up the telephone.
Frankie sat down next to Gracelyn and they sat quietly as they waited. Every now and then one of them cast a wary eye at Johanna as she marked off each hotel then began phoning the motels.
After several dead ends, Johanna located Gretchen at a modest establishment situated about five blocks from their office. She shuddered when she realized how close Gretchen was. She glanced tensely at Frankie and cleared her throat while she waited to be connected to Gretchen’s room. When she winced Frankie knew she’d been connected with Gretchen and gave her the thumbs up while Gracelyn’s eyes shifted nervously.
“Gretchen, this is Johanna.” She nervously cleared her throat. “Please don’t hang up. I…I want to apologize for the way I treated you last night. I was worried sick about you driving on the icy roads. I don’t know what I would have done if you’d been involved in an accident.” She squeezed her eyes tightly shut. “I never dreamed the effect seeing you again after all these years would have on me. I can’t get you off of my mind. I need to see you. Can I take you to dinner tomorrow night?” She swallowed hard. “I should never have let my stubborn pride stand in the way of my true feelings for you. I’ll explain everything when I see you.” She paused. “I mean if you still want to see me after the horrible way I treated you last night.”
Frankie and Gracelyn listened patiently to Johanna’s end of the conversation and eagerly waited for her to finish the call. A couple of minutes later Johanna clicked the phone off, then wearily placed her head between her hands. “Don’t make me do this, Frankie. Please don’t make me do this,” she pleaded. “I’m going to be sick to my stomach.”
“It’s our only shot, Johanna,” Frankie replied. “God only knows I wish it wasn’t.”
* * * *
Trey pushed his plate away. “That was absolutely delicious. I think you’ve outdone yourself this time.” He looked at Gracelyn. “I don’t know how Johanna stays so thin with Frankie’s cooking. My God, I’d be big as a house.” He patted his stomach. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, pale blue dress shirt and a brown sports jacket.
“I exercise,” Johanna playfully boasted, flexing a muscled arm. “And you, my friend, never seem to gain an ounce. You’re too active.”
“It was delicious, Francine,” Gracelyn said, setting down her fork. “You’re going to have to write down some recipes for me and don’t leave out any of the secret herbs.”
“Now you wouldn’t want me to give away my family secrets, would you?” she teased.
“Why, of course, I would,” Gracelyn joked back.
The group laughed at the friendly bantering. Johanna smiled happily. This was the way she’d always hoped her mother and Frankie would get along. If it wasn’t for the mess Gretchen had involved her in, her life would be perfect. She caught Frankie’s eye and winked. Frankie was attired in a tight-fitting pair of jeans, white blouse and red pullover sweater. Johanna was dressed almost identically except for the sweater. She had chosen a pale blue. Even her mother had dressed casually tonight after Johanna had assured her that when the guys came over it was always informal. She’d reluctantly agreed and after the men had arrived and she saw how everyone had dressed, she relaxed in her light gray dress slacks and dark gray cable knit sweater.
Will wiped his mouth on his napkin. “Frankie, if you ever decide to give up detectiving, you could open a restaurant.”
“Detectiving?” Frankie and Johanna looked at each other and laughed.
Will, dressed in a navy blue pair of slacks and a white cashmere sweater, held a hand up. “Okay, but you know what I mean.” He grinned at them. “I think I ate so much that my brain fell asleep.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, we do,” Johanna replied, beforelaughing. “It was just an interesting choice of word.”
“Well, thank you all for the compliments,” Frankie said slowly pulling herself to her feet, “but we’d better get down to business.” She began clearing the table. “Let me just put everything away first.”
“No, sweetie, let me do that,” Johanna insisted, rising. “It’s not fair for you to clean up after you’ve cooked dinner.” She nodded at the others. “Just make yourselves comfortable in the living room and I’ll join everyone in a bit.”
Will and Trey scrambled to their feet and picked up their plates. “We don’t mind cleaning up.” Trey looked at Will who nodded his consent.
“I’ll do the cleaning up,” Gracelyn said firmly. “Now everybody go relax in the living room. I’ll bring coffee and dessert in a little while.” She squared her shoulders as she pulled herself to her feet. “I don’t want to hear a word of protest from anyone.”
* * * *
Johanna and Frankie spent the next hour filling Trey and Will in on what had happened while they enjoyed the coffee and pie Gracelyn served.
Trey thoughtfully ran a hand over his chin. “Wow! I don’t know what to say, Frankie, except that you can stay with us as long as you need to.” He looked at Will.
“Of course,” Will quickly responded. “And, Johanna, we’ll definitely be keeping an eye on you and your mother.”
“Thank you, “ Gracelyn said with a smile. “ I’m happy to know that Johanna and Francine have you two in their lives. I’ll be able to rest much easier now when I return home. I’ve worried myself sick many nights, but now I can relax.”
Johanna squeezed Frankie’s hand as she returned her mother’s smile. “I told you that you’d love them once you met them, Mom. No one could ask for better friends than these two.”
“And you know the feeling’s mutual,” Trey said.
“We do,” Frankie said shifting in her chair. Johanna was propped on the arm. Gracelyn, Trey, and Will were seated on the sofa.
“This Gretchen sounds like a piece of work,” Trey stated as he picked up his coffee cup.
“I wish I’d never met her,” Johanna replied bitterly.
“You can’t change the past, Johanna, and you need to focus on clearing your name and putting her behind bars where she belongs.” Gracelyn smiled at Will and Trey. “Look at the wonderful support you have. A beautiful woman who loves you and two handsome men who are your best friends. That’s what’s important. You have so much more than Gretchen will ever have.”
Trey and Will blushed. “Johanna and Frankie are the sisters we never had, Mrs. Obrien,” Trey said. “No one will ever hurt them if we can help it.” He set his jaw.
“Please, call me Gracelyn.”
Frankie smiled contentedly at Gracelyn’s remark. Finally, there was no doubt left that Gracelyn accepted her and even cared about her.
* * * *
Frankie lay on her back and stared at the skylight above the bed. A few stars peeked out of the cold dark sky. Tomorrow the plan to trap Gretchen Wyler would be put into motion. An uneasy feeling seeped into her bones, but she wouldn’t share it with Johanna. She didn’t want to frighten her since Johanna wasn’t thrilled with the plan to begin with. If she knew of Frankie’s anxiety, she’d surely back out. She’d keep her feelings to herself. Johanna had enough worries implementing what course of action she’d take if Gretchen became suspicious, or worse, tried to put the moves on her. Johanna needed to keep her mind fresh and sharp and not be distracted by Frankie’s forebodings. Frankie swallowed hard. Many times her premonitions had come to pass and she prayed this time she’d be wrong. She attributed her nervousness to Johanna being alone with her ex-lover. Images of them together flashed through her head and she tried to empty her mind of the disturbing pictures. She had a tinge of unjustified jealously and knew she was being unfair to Johanna. Gretchen was a part of her past and their pasts were something they had never brought into their relationship. Their pasts had always been just that…the past, and neither of them had ever had any cause for concern. Neither had foreseen the consequences that not sha
ring their pasts would bring into their lives. Not that they could have predicted the vindictiveness of a woman such as Gretchen. She had no character or class, but in her own mind she was in control and those she chose to control were powerless against her.
She shook off her distracting thoughts. Tonight she wanted to forget—no she needed to forget—what lay ahead tomorrow. Tonight she wanted Johanna all to herself and to pretend even if only for a little while that none of this was happening. She’d shut out the rest of the world if only for a few hours.
She heard the shower turn off and waited in anticipation. A few minutes later Johanna climbed into their huge bed. Frankie immediately reached for her. “Mmm you smell so good,” she murmured, holding her close. “I’m never going to let you go.” She loved the smell of Johanna’s lightly scented flesh after she’d showered, and the lilac scent of her shampoo.
“I won’t let you, baby.” Her hands moved over Frankie’s bare ass. “What do you have in mind for me tonight?” she asked huskily.
Frankie slipped a pair of handcuffs from under her pillow and set them on the nightstand. “Those are for later.”
“Aren’t you worried that my mother might hear?” Johanna whispered.
“No, her room’s on the other end of the hall. She won’t hear a thing. I want you, baby,” she whispered huskily as she nuzzled Johanna’s earlobe. “I need you more than I ever have.”
“I’m yours…I always have been,” Johanna replied softly.
Frankie’s passion ignited as her lips sought Johanna’s. The kiss lingered as her hands traveled over Johanna’s smooth body. She was hot and only Johanna could put out the fire that threatened to consume her. She moaned when Johanna placed a hand on her inner thigh. She shifted her body as Johanna eased herself on top of her with their lips still clinging to one another’s. Frankie spread her legs slightly and felt Johanna’s warm body on hers. She cupped Johanna’s ass grinding Johanna’s vagina into hers as Johanna reached a hand down and spread herself. Johanna’s kiss grew more fervent and her hips moved slightly. Frankie’s breath quickened when she felt Johanna’s clit touch hers. She wanted to stay locked safely in her lover’s arms forever. Nothing else mattered or ever would as long as they were together. They expertly moved their hands over one another’s familiar bodies savoring every second as their passion consumed them.