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Winds of Fire Page 2

  Chapter 2

  Frankie took Johanna's arm and led her outside to the back patio. It was a beautiful day...not too warm or too chilly. A perfect day for the surprise she had in store for Johanna. She settled Johanna into one of the wicker chairs, and then sat next to her and took her hand.

  Johanna inhaled deeply. She turned her head and looked into Frankie's eyes. “This is nice. It's so peaceful out here, just you and me.”

  “After everything you've been through, we both need to spend more time relaxing and enjoying life...together. And this weekend that's exactly what we're going to do.”

  Johanna caressed Frankie's cheek with her fingertips. “You've been wonderful through all of this, baby. Holding down the fort at work; taking care of me, and overseeing the addition to the house.” She smiled.

  “The addition turned out better than I imagined. And as for you,” Frankie said planting a quick kiss on Johanna's forehead, “I enjoyed taking care of you. I wouldn't have had it any other way.”

  “I know, but I should have come back to work sooner.” Her eyes shifted. “I put everything on your shoulders. It wasn't fair to you.”

  “It wasn't your fault, Johanna. You were under doctor's orders and you needed time to heal. You went through a lot, sweetie. In fact, I'm surprised you healed as quickly as you did.” She squeezed Johanna's hand.

  Johanna's lips curved up into a smile. “It's all that tender loving care you gave me.”

  “Well, even though the doctor gave you a clean bill of health, I still want you to take it slow for a while.” Frankie put an arm around her and held her close. “You never talk much about that night anymore, but I just want you to know that if you ever need to, I'm here,” she said tenderly.

  “I know.” Johanna nodded. “Sometimes I still wake in the night in a cold sweat after a bad dream.” She inhaled deeply and then slowly let her breath out. “I know that monster's dead, but sometimes it feels like he's still here. I don't know if I'll ever feel truly safe again, but I'm trying.”

  “You will. I promise. He can't hurt you anymore, sweetie.” Frankie brushed the hair from Johanna's brow. “Wake me up the next time you have one of those nightmares. Okay? I don't want you to go through it alone.”

  Johanna tilted her head and gazed into Frankie's eyes. “Just knowing you're lying next to me helps me get through it.” Her eyes drifted to the covered section of the backyard. “Now moving on to a more pleasant topic, when do I get to see what you and the guys have been working on for most of the spring?”

  “How about now,” Frankie said with a sly grin as she leaned back in her chair and scanned the large section they'd previously had landscaped for their personal use. A forest of large trees and brush bordered the rest of the property. They kept as much of their twenty acres as they could in its natural state and now they had the best of both worlds and cherished the paradise they'd built for themselves.

  She stood, and still holding Johanna's hand, helped her to her feet. “This is for you, sweetie.”

  Johanna's eyes brightened. “You've literally kept it under wraps,” she said nodding towards the tarps. “I can't even imagine what's under them.”

  Frankie hoped the transformation made to the area where Johanna had been brutally attacked would now serve as a place of beauty and vanquish any lingering demons from the night that had caused the both of them so much terror. Frankie also woke up many nights in a cold sweat reliving the night Johanna had been stabbed in the shoulder, had an arm broken, and had suffered a severe concussion while being held hostage in the tool shed by a cold-blooded murderer.

  She led Johanna to the first tarp. “I hope you like it.” She pulled the tarp off the temporary scaffolding, and then turned to watch Johanna's reaction.

  Johanna gasped. “Oh, my God!” She threw her arms around Frankie's neck. “I can't believe you did this for me. You've torn down the tool shed and had this put in its place. I don't know what to's beautiful!” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Frankie gave her a tight hug. “Check out the fountain. At night it lights up if you want to sit out here and look at it.”

  “It's so soothing.” She swiped at her cheeks as she studied it. “It's amazing!”

  The five foot high waterfall fountain sat in the middle of a circular stone sitting area bordered by a sea of beautiful flowers. A stone path led away from it to the right.

  Johanna walked closer. “All of my favorite flowers are here!” she exclaimed. “They're gorgeous!” She took a deep breath. “I'm going to love sitting out here.”

  “There's more,” Frankie said. “Just follow the stone path. Come on.” She slipped her arm through Johanna's and strolled a short distance to where scaffolding and another tarp were hiding something behind it. “This is going to look so much better when all of these tarps and the scaffolding have been removed.” She pulled the tarp back so they could slip through to what was hidden on the other side.

  “I don't believe it!” Johanna squealed as she cupped her face in her hands. “I don't know what to say.” She broke down in tears again. “I've always dreamed of someday having something like this.” She bit her bottom lip. “I've never seen anything so beautiful!”

  Frankie swallowed the lump in her throat. “Your mother helped me design it. I guess I don't have to ask if you like it.” She placed an arm around Johanna's waist. “Now you have your own greenhouse and can grow your plants to your heart's desire. We also designed the new tool shed with windows on both sides, and in the front and back, using glass that is impossible to break. There are exits at both ends of the greenhouse, too. You'll always have a full view of your surroundings. There's a panic button inside the tool shed and greenhouse as well.” She paused. “I've installed a switch that will light the path all the way to the house in case it starts getting dark before you finish your work out here, or in case you feel like working after dark in the greenhouse or want to sit at the fountain. The lights and fountain can also be accessed from a switch that's been added to the security panel box in the kitchen.”

  “You've thought of everything.” Johanna shook her head in awe. “I...I don't know what to say. There aren't words to express how I really feel,” she said choking back a sob.

  “Your mother deserves the credit, too. She worked tirelessly. We want you to feel safe and protected at all times.”

  “You don't know how happy all of this makes me, Frankie. Even the word happy doesn't describe what I'm feeling inside. I'll call my mother later and thank her, too.” She stood, slowly shaking her head back and forth. “This is incredible! This is so much more than I could have ever imagined. I can't get over it.” Her voice caught. “I'm going to cry again.”

  “Well, before you do, I've got one more thing to show you.” Frankie took Johanna's hand and led her to the back of the tool shed. “Trey and Will cleared all of this for your huge vegetable garden.” She squeezed Johanna's hand. “You know...the one you're always talking about someday having? Well, now you can have it.” The expression on Johanna's beautiful face was priceless. “I know it's too late to plant all of the varieties of vegetables you'd like this year, but next year you'll be all set. Now you can use your smaller garden for whatever you want.”

  “I'm speechless. I...I—” Her lips trembled.

  Frankie led her to one of two wooden benches situated on either side of the greenhouse. After they were seated, she took Johanna's hands in her own. “I love you so much, Johanna.” She swiped at the tears brimming over. “If we weren't already married, I'd propose again.”

  Johanna threw her arms around Frankie's neck. “I don't know what I'd do without you,” she cried.

  “You'll never find out.” Frankie sat holding Johanna for a few minutes. “Let's go to bed early tonight. Not that I intend to let you get a good night's sleep,” she whispered seductively. “I'm going to make love to you all night long.”

  * * * *

  Frankie lit several light lilac scented candles. Lilac was Johanna
's favorite scent. She'd made the bed up in new pale lilac silk sheets. A bottle of champagne chilled in a bucket at the small table by the window. A dozen red roses sat next to it. She put on some soft romantic background music as she waited for Johanna to emerge from the adjoining bathroom. A quick click of a remote opened the skylight above the bed revealing a beautiful spectacle of bright twinkling stars.

  She crossed to the window and peered out into the peaceful and serene darkness. She didn't take anything for granted anymore. How quickly everything could change from one second to the next. She'd almost lost Johanna at the hands of that monster Carson Fellows. Johanna's life had almost been snuffed out that night and there was nothing Frankie could have done to protect her. She'd never forget the overwhelming helplessness she'd felt. She tried to erase the disturbing images of Johanna in the clutches of that monster from her mind. She was fine during the day, but as soon as darkness fell the memories flooded back, almost consuming her. Frankie felt no closure even with Fellows' death. It was as though he was still reaching out from the grave waiting for the perfect time to strike again. It unsettled her. She couldn't share her feelings with anyone—especially not Johanna. She hoped the backyard renovation would not only chase away Johanna's lingering demons, but her own as well.

  Her eyes drifted to the bathroom door as Johanna emerged. She was a vision of beauty with her long auburn hair hanging loosely over her shoulders. The cream colored teddy Frankie had purchased several days ago accentuated Johanna's beautiful figure. Her perfectly rounded breasts tantalized Frankie as they peeked out from the lacy fabric.

  Frankie sucked in her breath as Johanna moved closer. She felt the heat rising in her veins. She ached for her, but she wanted to savor every minute of tonight. It would be a long slow seduction. She'd start with a sensual massage, and after they had their champagne, she'd take her time making passionate love to Johanna.

  She picked up the roses and presented them to her. “I love you, Johanna.”

  “I love you, too.” Johanna's eyes filled. She threw her arms around Frankie's neck. “They're beautiful. Thank you, Frankie.”

  * * * *

  Johanna was overwhelmed with emotion as she gazed at the roses. “Today has been wonderful, baby. I can't believe everything you've done for me.”

  Frankie kissed her softly. “Nothing's too good for you, sweetie.”

  “Now I want to show you how much I love you.” She took Frankie's hand and tugged her towards the bed.

  Frankie lifted an eyebrow. “Why don't you lie down and let me give you a nice relaxing massage? Or would you like some champagne first? Remember, this is your night. Your wish is my command.”

  “What I want is to be in control tonight,” she said seductively. She reached over to her bedside table, opened a drawer, and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “You can give me a massage later, sweetie, but right now I just want to enjoy every inch of your body.” She dangled the handcuffs in front of Frankie before tossing them onto the bed. “Are you up for it?”

  Frankie licked her lips. “My body is all yours.”

  “First, I need to get you ready.” She brought her mouth close to Frankie's full lips. As she hungrily devoured Frankie's tempting lips, her hands made quick time of removing Frankie's lacy red bra and thong. Frankie trembled beneath her touch as Johanna's fingers tantalizingly roamed over her firm flesh. She cupped Frankie's ass and ground her body into Frankie's.

  Frankie broke the kiss. “I want to make love to you, baby,” she groaned. “I need you.”

  “Not yet, sweetie,” Johanna whispered as she gently caught Frankie's ear lobe between her teeth. She ran her hands up and down Frankie's back while she softly kissed Frankie's neck before claiming her lips again. With her fingertips, Johanna spread Frankie apart then rubbed her fingertips across Frankie's clit.

  The moistness of her lover excited her. It had been a long time since Johanna had felt this alive. At times she'd even wondered if she ever would again, but time had healed her wounds and she knew that with a little more time, the memory of what had happened to her would fade too. She'd never forget it, but she wouldn't allow it to have any control over her life. Her wife and lover became her total focus, and their strong bond and love was all that mattered. She'd no longer worry about what could have happened but instead concentrate on what didn't happen. The remnants of the chains of fear slowly fell away as she playfully pushed Frankie down onto the bed and then straddled her.

  “Put your arms behind your head,” Johanna ordered.

  Frankie smiled at her as she complied.

  After Johanna secured Frankie's wrists, she gently urged Frankie's legs apart and then spread her inner lips while she brought her vagina closer to Frankie's waiting clit.

  Chapter 3

  Frankie sat at her desk looking over a file as she filled Johanna in on a few cases. “We should be able to wrap these up in no time. I didn't have time to get the final reports typed.” She waited several seconds and when Johanna didn't reply, she looked up to find Johanna staring intently at her, seemingly lost in thought.

  “Is everything okay, Johanna?” she asked anxiously. Had she come back to work too soon? She'd seemed upbeat and excited to get back to work this morning. In fact, the whole weekend had been perfect. After Johanna had turned the tables and surprised Frankie Saturday night with an entire night of passionate lovemaking, they spent Sunday in the backyard. Frankie hadn't planned to open the pool this year, but now that Johanna had received a clean bill of health, she eagerly began preparing the pool. Johanna seemed at peace as she wandered around her new garden and greenhouse. Frankie had been relieved when she'd gone into the house to shower and Johanna had stayed outside with pen and pad enthusiastically jotting down plans for her garden. It had been weeks since she'd seen Johanna so relaxed and happy. That night, again, they'd made love for hours. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other.

  “Everything's fine, sweetie. I didn't realize how much I missed this place. It's good to be back.” She grinned. “I especially missed seeing you all day long.”

  Frankie leaned back in her chair. “It was lonely in here for me, too, especially looking at your desk without you there.” She closed the file. “But that's all behind us now.”

  Johanna smiled brightly. “Yes, it is. I'm back for good.”

  The office door opened and Kate walked in, rushed to Johanna's desk, and threw her arms around her. “It's so good to see you back here,” she exclaimed. “I've only got a minute, but I wanted to stop in to welcome you back.”

  Johanna beamed. “Thank you. I'm glad you did. I hope you and Arlan can make it to our get together next weekend. Hopefully, you two won't have to work. We need to go over some more plans for the bridal shower and the wedding.”

  Kate smiled warmly. “Arlan and I will definitely be there. We have a lot to catch up on. And I'm anxious to see the transformation to your back yard. Trey and Will said it's absolutely gorgeous!”

  “I can't wait to show you. And I'm looking forward to seeing your new home when it's finished. I am so excited that we're going to be neighbors.”

  “You and Frankie will be the first to see the house when it's completed,” she replied. “I'm going to need a lot of your help, Johanna, when I start gardening. I definitely don't have a green thumb.”

  “I'll have you gardening like a pro in no time at all,” Johanna replied and then smiled. “I was just going to get a cup of coffee. Can I get you a cup?”

  “I wish I had the time, but unfortunately I don't. I had to take some files to the courthouse and now I have to tackle a load of paperwork.” She made a face. “I hate paperwork. It's the worst part of the job.”

  Frankie laughed. “You and me both. I only do it when absolutely necessary.” She nodded in Johanna's direction. “Now she enjoys it.”

  Johanna scowled then grinned. “Just be glad that I do.” She rose. “Frankie, would you like some coffee?”

  “Sounds good, thanks, hon.” Frankie leaned
back in her chair.

  “Be right back. Have fun with the paperwork, Kate. And tell Arlan I said hi.”

  “I will.” Kate watched Johanna walk into the back room, and then turned to Frankie. “It looks like our old Johanna is back.”

  Frankie winked. “In more ways than one.”

  “You are so wicked, girl,” Kate teased. “Well, I've delayed the paperwork for as long as I can,” she said heading towards the door. “If I don't get to it, I'll be in the office half the night catching it up.”

  “Good luck with it, Kate,” Frankie called after her.

  “I'll need it,” Kate replied over her shoulder as she opened the door and quickly exited.

  Johanna came back with the coffee and set a steaming cup on Frankie's desk before walking to her own desk. She settled herself in her chair and held her mug in her hands. “I can't wait to show off the back yard to everyone.”

  Frankie smiled. “Why don't we invite Trey, Will, and George, too?” she said. “Make a real party out of it instead of just a little get together with Kate and Arlan. And it'll be the perfect time to make sure Kate's entire shower and wedding plans are still on track. We can see if George and Arlan have their end of everything under control. George needs to plan a bachelor party. I want to see what he comes up with.”

  “Sounds good to me. Knowing George he'll think taking Arlan out for a couple of beers will cut it.”

  “I'll make sure that Trey and Will steer him in the right direction.”

  Johanna sipped at her coffee and glanced at the wall clock. “What time is Kendall Longman coming in?”

  Frankie shrugged. “She didn't give a definite time, only said this morning. Maybe she's changed her mind.”

  “She did sign the contract,” Johanna reminded her.

  Frankie scratched her head. “That's true, but it doesn't mean anything until she pays the retainer and we sign the contract, too.” She was thoughtful for a minute, and then shook her head. “There's something off about her. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's been bugging the hell out of me.”